Posts tagged: health insurance

Why would critical illness not pay out?

illness insurance optionsLet’s unravel the mystery behind Critical Illness Insurance in Canada today. It’s like having a financial safety cover for unexpected health challenges, but have you ever wondered why this superhero might not swoop in when you need it most? Let’s dive into why Critical Illness Insurance might not pay out.

Understanding Critical Illness Insurance

Alright, let’s understand the world of Critical Illness Insurance. Picture it as your financial shield – your personal hero ready to jump in when a serious health condition comes knocking. It’s like having Iron Man’s suit for your wallet, stepping up when regular insurance might not cover all the bases.

So, what’s the deal with Critical Illness Insurance coverage? It’s a bit like having a safety net for medical costs that may not be fully caught by your everyday insurance. Imagine it as your superhero sidekick, there to offer extra support during challenging times. Whether it’s a major illness or a health condition that throws you a curveball, Critical Illness Insurance steps up to the plate.

However, just like any superhero, it’s essential to know that Critical Illness Insurance has its limitations. It won’t save you from every villain, but it can certainly be a powerful ally when facing serious health challenges. The key is understanding its scope and making informed choices when selecting a Critical Illness Insurance policy.

When you sign up for a Critical Illness Insurance policy, it’s like crafting a personalized suit of armour. But here’s where we get to the minutest details: there are specific factors to consider. Are there waiting periods before the superhero springs into action? Are there conditions or situations excluded from its coverage? These are the details you need to know to ensure your superhero is ready to defend you when you need it most.

In the world of Critical Illness Insurance, transparency is your superpower. When applying for a policy, honesty is the key to unlocking its full potential. Disclose all relevant information about your health to your superhero insurer so they can tailor the coverage to your unique needs.

In conclusion, Critical Illness Insurance is your financial hero, ready to tackle serious health conditions. It’s your safety net, offering support where regular insurance might fall short. But remember, even superheroes have their limitations, so understanding your Critical Illness Insurance policy is crucial. Choose wisely, stay informed, and let your financial superhero be the ally you can count on in challenging times.

Why it Might Not Pay Out

Let’s dig a little deeper into the world of Critical Illness Insurance and explore the scenarios that might cause it not to pay out when you need it most. It’s like understanding the limitations of our favourite superheroes – they have their weaknesses, too.

  • Pre-Existing Conditions: Think of Critical Illness Insurance like buying a new pair of shoes. If your favourite pair already has a few scuffs before you get them, those pre-existing scuffs might not be covered. Similarly, if you have a health condition before signing up for a Critical Illness Insurance policy, it might not be eligible for coverage. It’s imperative to disclose any pre-existing conditions during the application to avoid surprises later on.
  • Waiting Periods: Every hero needs a bit of preparation before leaping into action. Critical Illness Insurance often comes with waiting periods, acting like a superhero gearing up before a big battle. During this waiting period, if you get diagnosed with an illness, the coverage might not kick in immediately. Understanding these waiting periods is essential so you can plan accordingly and be aware of when your coverage becomes fully effective.
  • Non-Disclosure of Information: Imagine Batman keeping his secret plans to himself – chaos might ensue. Similarly, when applying for Critical Illness Insurance, not disclosing accurate information about your health can lead to issues. If you forget to mention something important during the application process, it could impact the payout later on. Transparency is key – share all relevant health details to ensure a smoother claims process.
  • Exclusions in Policies: Superheroes often face enemies they can’t easily defeat. Critical Illness Insurance policies come with exclusions, acting like the weaknesses of our superhero. These exclusions specify certain conditions or situations not covered by the policy. It’s crucial to be aware of these exclusions while choosing a policy that aligns with your needs. Reading the fine print and understanding what’s excluded helps you make an informed decision.
  • Not Meeting Policy Criteria: Every hero follows a set of rules, and Critical Illness Insurance is no different. It has specific criteria that must be met for a payout to occur. If the diagnosed illness doesn’t match the criteria outlined in your policy, the payout might be affected. Understanding these criteria helps you ensure that your policy aligns with your health needs and potential risks.

So, Critical Illness Insurance is like having a superhero by your side, but it’s essential to know its limitations. When considering a Critical Illness Insurance policy, honesty during the application process, awareness of waiting periods, understanding policy exclusions, and ensuring your health aligns with the policy criteria are crucial steps. It’s not about finding a flawless superhero but understanding how to make the most of your Critical Illness Insurance coverage when you truly need it. Stay informed, stay vigilant, and let your insurance be your trusted ally in the unpredictable journey of life.

Final Thoughts

So, there you have it – the ins and outs of why Critical Illness Insurance might not pay out in Canada. It’s not about being a tricky superhero; it’s about understanding the rules of the game. When considering a Critical Illness Insurance policy, it’s crucial to be transparent, understand the terms, and choose a policy that aligns with your health and lifestyle.

Remember, knowledge is your best sidekick in this superhero journey. Stay informed, choose wisely, and let your Critical Illness Insurance be the reliable hero it’s meant to be in times of need. Get in touch with an insurance broker for expert guidance right away.

How to Secure Your Life after Retirement

money for retirementRetirement is often considered to be the icing on the cake when it comes to enjoying different phases of life. While planning your life after retirement, you must set aside all of your current responsibilities and worries. Retirement leaves you with rare opportunities for participating in recreational activities, traveling, and nurturing certain hobbies. However, you mustn’t forget that you won’t have any regular source of income for the rest of your life. You must remember that you need funds to sustain all health issues and financial challenges after retirement. By making a few crucial investment decisions, you’ll be able to spend the rest of your life in leisure and comfort. Financial planning should be initiated now when you’re working and in good health.

It’s a truly daunting task for you to compare various pension plans and achieve an uninterrupted flow of income after you get retired. It’s certainly going to be a taxing issue for you to narrow down your choice of a pension pay-out although even after you select a beneficial pension plan. Apart from seeking professional assistance, you must also do extensive research on the factors that count for retirement planning.

Tips to acquire funds for your post-retirement years are mentioned below:

Calculate your basic living cost

You must choose a pension plan that yields a good return for covering all of your basic monthly expenses. You must assess your regular expenses just to determine your mandatory expenses in the future. In order to arrive at an accurate figure, you must include your sundry expenses, transportation cost, expenses pertaining to clothing and food, utility bills (including gas and water), and housing costs in your list of expenses.

Consider the effects of inflation

Inflation is bound to take a toll on all goods and services making the living cost dearer with each passing year. Indians are witnessing an inflation rate worth 4% of late and this is likely to rise during the coming years. This way, you’re bound to experience a rise in pension pay-out based on the rate of inflation. On the contrary, the amount that you receive won’t prove to be adequate for meeting your basic expenses. This way, you may even be compelled to seek financial assistance while you aren’t working anymore.

Avail some health coverage

You must learn to cope with the increase in health care costs. Opting for a health insurance plan can actually save you from the adverse impact of unforeseen medical expenses on the monthly budget. You must plan things up in advance and work things out in an efficient manner. Try applying for a health plan that can protect you and your loved ones from all untoward incidents.

Include the cost of recreation

Retirees are often known to enjoy their pastime by pursuing their hobbies, visiting their favorite destinations, reading their favorite books, and doing a host of other things. You’ll need to pay a cost for the perks that you enjoy; you must pay things out of your pension. You must save a portion of your pension to cover your costs more effectively.

You must consider the tips mentioned above if you really wish to enjoy your golden age with ease and comfort. It will help you achieve a firmer grip over your entire financial situation. All you need to do is to pick the right pension plan and utilize the money in an efficient manner just to secure your old age.

Business Senses

business health insuranceThere’s no doubt that the idea of adding to your business costs is rarely a popular idea. When you’re so focused on seeing through each month and generating a profit, it can feel like every debit you have to make to your business accounts is a huge drain. So being told that you need to think about employee healthcare coverage? That’s probably not the most welcome of statements.

The truth is, however, that the health of your employees is vitally important to your business. Without a healthy staff, you’re going to suffer from chronic problems and a huge loss of productivity caused by sick days and absences. Investing in how healthy your employees are is an investment in the future of your business – so if you try and think of it like that, it might be easier to handle the loss to your finances.

Should you make the decision to invest in healthcare coverage, this gives birth to many additional decisions you have to make. What type of coverage should you offer? What is important to prioritize in the coverages? What exclusions can you expect?

All important decisions that are worthy of your time, but for the moment, let’s focus on a more macro level. While general healthcare coverage is great, you’re also going to need to think about using business senses to give your employees the best healthcare they need. And that’s ‘business senses’ in a very literal way…


A general healthcare policy might not cover employee vision and sight health. Why do you need this area covered?

  • Poor eyesight can cause headaches and fatigue, meaning your employees won’t be at their best.
  • If someone is struggling to see properly, they are less likely to be able to spot errors in fine print – which could cost your business substantially.

So it’s always worthwhile to check out business vision insurance rates if your policy doesn’t cover eye and sight costs as standard.


If you have an older workforce, then natural degeneration in hearing is an area you need to focus on. It’s also a priority if you work in an industry that involves employees being exposed to loud noises, such as construction.

  • If you don’t provide the correct sound-blocking technology for employees, then you could be vulnerable to a future lawsuit. Doing this and offering proper healthcare to ensure the measures you have taken are effective is a perfect way of covering yourself for the future.
  • Older employees have a lot to offer in terms of experience. Don’t allow them to be left behind by not being able to hear in meetings or struggling with phone calls.

Try and find a policy that covers not only regular hearing checks, but anything that offers assistance with the cost of a hearing aid.


If there is anything you can do to ensure your employees are eating a healthy diet, then it’s a great investment. Not only will they be healthier in general, but it also means fewer claims on your company policy.

By focus on the above areas, you can be confident of a comprehensive coverage for your employees health – benefiting your business in the long run as well!

Health Consciousness and Insurance Rates

money invest for healthDid you know that being smarter about your health can directly affect your health care costs? It’s true! Lower health care literacy has been linked to unnecessary over treatment, fewer scheduled preventative services, and higher hospitalization rates, all of which increase your health care costs and put you at greater risk. In the following article, we review the types of behaviors associated with having a high health literacy and how these behaviors save people money on their insurance rates.

They Learn to Advocate for Themselves

Those of us who are health conscious are smart enough to know which treatments and medications we need and which ones are unnecessary. These unnecessary treatments, including over prescribed medications, fall under a term called “overutilization.” Overutilization occurs when health care is provided at a higher volume than necessary or at a higher cost than is appropriate to the treatment. In other words, if patients don’t have high health care literacy, they may not be able to advocate for themselves and refuse excessive or redundant tests or treatments.

In fact, overutilization is such a problem in health care that the Institute of Medicine (IOM), now known as the National Academy of Medicine (NAM), estimates that 30 percent of US health care expenditures are a waste of money. Of that percentage, the IOM estimates $210 billion stems from unnecessary health care services.

They Schedule Regular Doctors Visits and Use ER Sparingly

Those with high health literacies tend to go to the doctor regularly, which helps them understand their current health status better than those with lower health literacies. This helps them avoid the common traps of overutilization, which we see in doctors over-prescribing medications (such as antibiotics for upper respiratory infections), excessive imaging services, unnecessary surgeries, excessive stress tests, and emergency-room visits for symptoms normally seen at a person’s doctor’s office. Many of these instances of overutilization can be avoided if a patient fully understands his or her health status and the full range of treatment options available. For example, rather than visit the ER for suspected strep throat, a health-literate patient would hold off and schedule an appointment with his or her family doctor. Doing so not only helps you save money, but also reduces the overall costs of healthcare for everyone.

They Take Advantage of Preventative Services

Health conscious patients take their health seriously. They schedule physicals with their primary care provider annually, make other appointments when necessary, and live a healthy lifestyle in order to prevent health problems later in life. Unfortunately, even if you’re trying to live a healthy lifestyle, if you’re not keeping your annual doctor’s appointments, you may still be part of the problem that drives up health care costs.

The yearly physical is often included in insurance plans free of charge because it’s such an essential part of keeping insurance rates down. Preventative services like these can spot illnesses and risk factors early, long before they have a chance to develop into life-threatening concerns. Too often, we hear of cancer patients who didn’t know they were sick until they were diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer, and while many cancers do indeed grow quickly, preventative services have a better chance of spotting them before it’s too late for treatment.

As a health-conscious consumer, you should adhere to your doctor’s recommended visits and consider other areas that positively impact your overall health, such as dental, vision, and physical therapy services. Staying on top of these areas of health ensures you save money on health care costs and don’t strain the system.

Keeping Your Insurance Rates Down

The reality is, many Americans don’t spend enough time researching health insurance benefits options before choosing their plan. Those with higher health literacy will compare their options, perform research beyond the packet their employer has provided for them, ask questions to get a clear picture of what’s included in each insurance plan, and get their questions answered by an expert in the field to make sure they are getting the right insurance plan for them. The same can be said for life insurance.

Health IQ celebrates health conscious consumers by extending special rates on life insurance to those who deserve it most. When you’ve spent a lifetime eating right, exercising, keeping up with your annual physicals, and doing your best to stay healthy, statistics say you should live longer than the average American. Naturally, this means enjoying special rates on term life insurance.

If you’re already a health conscious consumer, enlist the help of an expert to find the right insurance plan for you and your family. Our services are particularly beneficial to endurance athletes and strength trainers with low resting heart rates and muscular builds. Muscular builds can mean having an increased body mass index (BMI) that puts you over a weight limit for discounted health insurance rates, but we take these things into account at Health IQ. Simply verify your activity level to qualify.

Being health conscious has many benefits, so why not reap the rewards? Contact Health IQ to see how much you can save.

Health Insurance Tips to Use All Year

health insurance protectionEverybody has heard the saying “health is wealth”. While it is true that good health is something that money cannot buy, access to funds can certainly give you the best medical care. Life is uncertain and despite all your safeguards, accidents and diseases can strike without warning. It is therefore prudent to make arrangements for the wellbeing of yourself and your family, well in advance.

Medical costs today are prohibitive, making the need for sudden treatment or hospitalization a huge financial burden. If you are not covered under a health plan, you may find yourself in a difficult situation and can end up depleting your savings.

Benefits of Health Insurance

Financial stability – Medical costs are increasing at a rapid pace. In case of hospitalization, you will have to incur several expenses, such as doctors’ fees, diagnostic tests, medications, and lots more. If you have to pay for these, you may end up spending all your savings. When you have purchased the best health insurance coverage, all these expenses are paid for by the insurer.

Avail the best medical care – Many people who are not covered under a health plan often compromise on the quality of care they receive. However, with adequate health insurance, you can focus on receiving the best medical care and recover earlier. Most insurers offer a wide network of hospitals, which gives you the additional benefit of cashless hospitalization.

Tax benefits – In addition to the above-mentioned benefits, individuals can avail of tax benefits on the premium paid for purchasing the health insurance policy. Under section 80 D of the Income Tax Act, premium up to INR 25,000 per annum is tax deductible. An amount of INR 30,000, paid as premium for senior dependent parents covered under these health plans, is tax deductible under this section.

Tips to Avail the Best Plan

• Individuals must pay their monthly premiums on time to ensure the benefits under the health insurance plans remain valid throughout the policy term.

• If you receive any message asking for additional information and/or documentation, it is important that you submit the same quickly to avoid loss of coverage.

• It is also important to pay your renewal premium in a timely manner to continue enjoying the different benefits available under the insurance coverage.

If you follow these simple tips diligently, you can be sure to reap the benefits of your health insurance policy. Do not wait for a health crisis to learn more about health insurance.

Know more about health insurance tips at 5 Paisa Insurance