Posts tagged: financial planning

Finance world changing fast for the depositors – A past & present overview

Manage your financesWe all are using Bank accounts to do proper financial management. Now people hardly keep liquid cash with them, instead of that people are using Debit & Credit cards. Government bank are in the place of trust but private banks are also giving a good competition by providing great services.

Previously people only rely on government banks due to the security factors but now the time has changed people are started relying on private banks for their advanced services. And as both the banks has to fulfill all the standardize rules & guidelines fixed by the central banking authority. Competition is very tuff in both the banks so customers/account holders are getting benefited with this.

As we know that world economy is not in a good position so we all are thinking about our financial future. Now most of the people are appointing financial adviser or taking help from different reputed wealth management companies to place their liquid assets/money for the maximum growth. So, banks are working sometimes as an adviser.

As both the government & private banks are bound to follow the service rules fixed by the central banking system of the respective country but since they are customizing their services to grab the customer’s attention. Few banks are providing different fixed deposit schemes & few banks are concentrating to improvise the recurring deposit schemes to target all type of customers. I know this topic is debatable but since as per my personal experience i can say that both Government & private banks do have some standardize individual identity of providing services to their customers. I do have my personal saving accounts in both the private & government banks & i am very happy with their services or vice verse.

But now coming to the customers side, for making the financial security for the future people are still rely on fixed deposit, recurring deposit, insurance & pensions but I can say the financial sector is changing very fast which we can see in the banking sector, previously they were only the security of our finances but now they are performing as a adviser & also assisting the customer with all their queries. In the other side people are started investing in shares, investment bonds, debenture etc. Longed & parenting by the leading companies of the world.

Positive & negative aspects the sides of a coin which will remain the same but the service will help us to decide the right side & go forward to make our self financially secured.

5 Tips for Developing a Personal Financial Plan

Financial JourneyKeeping a personal budget is not difficult in theory, but it becomes much more difficult to stick with it throughout the month. As a result, it is a good idea to write up a list of tips, as they can keep you focused on the goal at hand. If you can remember these rules, staying within your personal budget becomes much easier.

Avoid Debt

This is the main goal of developing a personal finance plan and it is also the most important thing to remember. You should never spend more money than you earn, as this puts you behind on your quest toward financial freedom.

Once you get yourself out of debt, you can start spending money again. Taking the first step is important, however, and it will take a great deal of discipline.

Pay Yourself First

This might sound like it prolongs your period in debt, but what it truly does is make the situation more livable. Paying yourself does not mean that you go out and blow all of your money right away, but it does mean that you should put money in your savings and retirement funds before you pay your creditors.

By paying yourself first, you ensure that you will always have money around, which can help you to prevent more debt in the future. If you run into an emergency, but have not put enough money into savings, you will end up right back in debt if you do not follow this plan.

Track Expenses

Another difficult aspect of personal finances is tracking your own expenses, but it is very important because it allows you to develop a plan. Save your receipts for everything for a few months, so that you can see exactly what you are spending.

This makes it easier to see where you can cut spending, which allows you to pay off your debt at a faster pace. You would not drive in a strange city without directions or a map, so you should not try to navigate your financial situation without a clear idea of where your money is going.

Stay Within Your Budget

Making a budget is easy, but it is much more difficult to stay within it. If you are committed to saving money, however, a budget can become your best friend.

By giving yourself a monthly allowance, you can be certain that you will never spend more than you make. Of course, that might mean that you have to pass on the Mustang apparel that just went on sale at your favorite store, but it is important as you attempt to reach your financial goals.

Try to Avoid Paying Interest

When you purchase something on credit, you end up paying much more than the sticker price. Therefore, it is always a good idea to save up and pay cash for something, especially if you are making a major purchase.

Of course, it is probably not possible to pay for a new home out of pocket, but you can probably afford to pay for many of your day-to-day expenses without going further into debt.

Why Do Lenders Offer Guarantor Loans?

Top Up Guarantor LoansGuarantor loans were created by lending companies to provide anyone who would struggle to successfully apply for a standard unsecured loan with the opportunity to secure a new line of credit.

When applying for an unsecured bad credit loan, the borrower will generally be charged with a very high interest rate because they will be viewed as posing a risk to the lender due to their poor credit history. Guarantor loans, however, offer an alternative way of borrowing that does not place reliance on having a perfect credit history. By offering re-assure to the lender that someone you know can cover any repayments you may miss, the perceived risk to the lender is reduced and this in turn will reduce the amount of interest charged for borrowing.

Generally guarantor loans are available with an associated APR of approximately 50%, which is considerably less than the 4000% charged by many payday loan companies for an unsecured loan.

How Guarantor Loans Work

The loan guarantor basically acts as a buffer against payment default. By undertaking a binding contract to cover any missed repayments and taking on responsibility for the loan, the risk to the lender is significantly reduced.

However, because the loan is in the borrower’s name, the guarantor does not need to do anything else. It’s important though, that the guarantor fully understands the importance of their commitment and responsibility. It is crucial that they can afford to make the repayments should the need arise and for this reason the guarantor – as opposed to the borrower – will be subject to credit checks, in order for the lender to approve the loan.

Benefits of Guarantor Loans

Guarantor loans offer borrowers with a less than perfect credit rating the chance to access credit at vastly reduced interest rates when compared to virtually all other forms of bad credit loan. This ensures that guarantor loans offer the best option for anyone with bad credit. It also provides the opportunity for the borrower to repair their credit record, because all repayments are made under the name of the person actually taking out the loan.

But what other benefits do guarantor loans offer? At a time when many people are struggling to meet the bills, combined with an insecure employment market, taking out a loan is often a worry in itself. This worry can be significantly reduced by applying for a guarantor loan, although it is important to fully understand the risks of benefits attached to guarantor loans, and how they work, before committing yourself.

Risks of Guarantor Loans

The guarantor will nearly always be someone who knows the borrower well and trusts them to make the repayments as scheduled. If however the borrower finds themselves in trouble and unable to make the payments, the guarantor will be expected to step in. If this situation arises, it’s always a good idea to make an arrangement to repay your guarantor if they have to step in and help.

Who can be a Guarantor?

Because the guarantor may have to step in and assume responsibility for the loan, it’s important they are financially secure themselves. For this reason, a guarantor will generally be expected to be a home owner aged over 23, with a excellent credit record and receiving a regular income.

How much can you Borrow?

An unsecured guarantor loan allows you to borrow up to £7,500, normally over 60 months. It is always prudent to ensure that there are no set up or hidden fees attached before signing up, to avoid extra costs.

Amanda Gillam : I work as a blog writer for a finance company called Solution Loans which specialises in Guarantor Loans. I hold a degree in financial management and enjoy writing about a variety of topics including finance, transport, travel, sport and business.

Managing finances wisely: A guide for young people

Finance tips for youngThe monetary system works well, which is why people all over the world have used money for thousands of years. Money has an agreed upon value, a standard by which worth is judged. Our standard is of course the dollar, and no one better than a young person knows the value of a dollar. Why? Because for you, dollars are hard to come by, easy to spend, and difficult to replenish.

Here is how a young person can stack these dollars by acting smartly

Start saving

Saving money is just plain easier if we’re saving for something. The thing we’re saving for is our goal. Our goal can be short-term or long-term, depending on the nature of the purchase. Generally speaking, short-term goals are easier to achieve because our aim is shorter. Long-term goals take years to achieve, but we all have to start somewhere.

Getting Credit

If the companies you want to borrow money from find out you’re negligent about paying your bills, if you’re always late, or always short, you’re going to have to pay more to borrow the money you want. That makes sense, doesn’t it? If you’re considered a risky bet, you have to pay more to borrow money. If on the other hand, you’re always on time, people will trust you more and you won’t have to pay as much for that car loan as the person who’s always late.

Automatic Savings/ Direct Deposit

Banks and other institutions know exactly how hard it is to save money. So they’ve come up with a tool to make it much easier. I’ve used automatic savings for years, and there’s no doubt that it’s helped me achieve some major financial goals. The only thing you need is a job and a bank account.

Here’s how it works:

  • Decide how much you want to save
  • Decide where you want this saved money to end up
  • Save money without worrying about it!

Every month, I have money deducted from my paycheck and deposited into a variety of accounts. The money goes its way without my ever seeing it, in other words, it never makes it into my paycheck, so I don’t have to face the pain of writing a check, or even worse, depositing cash. You sign up in one of two ways. You can contact your human resources office, who should be able to send the money where you want it to go. And if you go from the direction of where you want your money to end up — say you want to open an online savings account and also fund your Roth Individual Retirement Account, then set up the accounts and have those institutions contact your bank account.

Value Investing

Your aim should be to buy good solid companies whose prices are within your budget. You are to then hold those companies until investing in them no longer makes sense. When does investing in a company make no sense? When their fundamentals — how they run their company — are not good, or when a company’s stock price is so expensive that it’s simply too late to count on any further upward momentum.

Look for impressive dividends

Some companies’ dividends are impressive indeed, and if their fundamentals are sound, I suggest that you own a piece of those companies. If it’s a great stock, like Apple was once upon a time, when it cost less than $20 per share, then you hold onto it and don’t ever let it go. Things that make us rich are a blessing, and I say that without one bit of hesitation. Having money in abundance is something to be grateful for, and if we’re able to earn money even while we’re sleeping, we’ve got the right idea.

So, what’s your investing motto? Buy good companies cheaply. If the company offers you the option of re-investing your dividends, act like you’ve got some sense and re-invest them. Buy and hold. Buy and hold.
Here’s what you look at carefully when you’re considering whether to buy shares of a company:

  • What is their market capitalization; i.e., how much is the company worth?
  • How much debt do they carry?
  • Who runs the company? How long has this person been on board?
  • What is their price to earnings ratio?
  • What do they produce, and is their future outlook rosy or bleak?
  • How many employees do they have? Are the employees treated well?
  • How long has the company been in business?
  • What is the outlook for the future?

How do we as individuals and nations keep up with rising prices when our incomes aren’t keeping pace? We can’t. Not as long as we don’t make a decent amount of money with our investments. Life is scary, unless you just sit around in an easy chair all day. We have to get out there. We have to take risks.

DIY Plan: Ingenious ways to manage your credit card debt to attain financial freedom

Credit card debt burdenIn this tough economic situation, the livelihood of common man has become miserable. After the recent financial collapse, a large number of people suffered job loss or wage deduction. The condition of the economy is not strong enough to bring over a complete revival of the job market. So, many people are still unemployment. In this scenario, most of them failed to pay of their credit card bills on time and incurred overwhelming debt. If you’re in a similar situation, then you can come out of the debt rut by managing your credit card debt. You’re not required any help from the professionals to come out of this financial maze as you can do it on your own by following some of the simple steps.

Here are some of the important points that you need to consider when you plan to pay off your credit card debts on your own:

Step 1.

Budgeting- A key mantra: It’s needless to say that if you’re planning to manage your credit card debt, you need to start with a budget plan. Well, budgeting is considered to be a key tool to get out of the debt rut. When you’re on a budget plan, it can be easier for you to track your expenses. You can understand where you’re draining your hard earned money. You can avoid splurging when you’re on a budget plan. As a result, you can manage to save considerable amount of money when you’re on a budget plan. Make sure you modify the plan in accordance with the financial situation.

Step 2.

List of the owed amount: Once you formulate a pragmatic budget plan, your next job is to review your financial state. You’re required to prepare a list of the owed amount in descending order of the interest rate. Preparing a list of the owed amount can make it easier for you to pay off the debt.

Step 3.

Approach the creditors for negotiation: You can negotiate with the creditors to lower the interest rate on the principal balance to make the owed amount affordable to pay off. If the creditors don’t agree to negotiate, then you can threaten them to file bankruptcy. In most of the cases, this trick works and you can manage to lower the interest rate on the outstanding amount. Once your interest rate is reduced, you can actually manage to lower your monthly payment.

Step. 4

Avalanche method of payment on the debts: Make sure you prepare a list of the owed amount in descending order of the interest rate. Start paying the high interest debt on top of the chart. Make more payment on the high interest debts, in the meantime make payment on the remaining balance. Once you pay off the high interest debt, start working on next on the list. Try to continue the process diligently unless you pay off the debts in full.

Step 5.

Avoid the use of the plastic: When you’re working on paying off your debts, try to avoid the use of cards. In most of the cases, you find the consumers are tempted to spend when they find teaser offers on the card. Therefore, keep aside your card and spend cash. When you use cash instead of cards then it can be easier for you to stay within your means.

Step 6.

Increase your income: Look for a part time job to make more money during your spare time. You can work as a freelancer or start your own home based business to make some extra cash. You can use the extra money to pay off your debt and regain financial freedom during tough economic situation.

Therefore, you’re required to keep the above mentioned points in mind when you plan to manage your credit card debt on your own. Once you pay off your debts yu can regain control over your financial situation.