Posts tagged: expenses

The Inspiring Solutions That Can Turn Your Business Around

to run businessIt’s safe to say that no business is going to get a smooth ride. Because the business world just isn’t like that. You don’t just get started, see instant success, and keep on riding on your success cloud until you decide to get out of the game. Although that would be nice, it’s just not realistic. Instead, what is realistic, is that you’re going to struggle. You may not struggle all day, every day, but you will struggle at some point. Business having a business is like being on a rollercoaster. It’s natural for you to experience ups and downs. Of course, when you’re enjoying the ups, you’re more than welcome to take it all in and feel proud of yourself. But this isn’t about how you take the ups, it’s how you handle the downs.

In short, tough times will make or break your business. So as much as you might like the enjoy the good times, you also have to know how to bounce back during the bad times. At the same time, you need to be able to take action and actually work hard to be able to turn things around. Because that’s what matters. You have to be able to actually turn things around and see a difference in business. And yes, that means that you’re able to go from down to up and continue to do that whenever you’re faced with a challenging situation. So let’s take a look at some really inspiring ways you can do that.

Hone In On Your Targeting

First of all, you have to be thinking about your customers at all times. Because if you want to make sure that you can make money and improve your financial situation, you need to attract the right customers. Maybe the reason for your struggles is that you’re not targeting the right customers? When this is the case, you’ll find that if you can change that, are hone in on your targeting a bit more, you’ll have a better chance of turning things around.


Another really strong idea is going to be to look into rebranding. Again, to be able to attract your customers, you should be thinking of ways that you can stand out from your competition, and branding can really help with that. So think about the kind of rebranding process that you may need to take. When you do, you should find that you get a strong return on your investment.

Try A New Marketing Technique

How’s your marketing looking lately? If you tend to use the same techniques over and over again, you can’t expect to get different results. Instead, you’re going to want to think about using a new tactic. But the tactic in question will need to be something that’s entirely personal to your business, and what will work for you – and testing things out is the only way to do that.

Refine Your Product Or Service

Sometimes, the reason why you’re struggling and not bringing in money, is because your product or service just isn’t as strong as it could be. And that can be hard to admit. But if you do want to improve going forwards, you have to be objective. You need to be able to identify your weaknesses in order to become stronger. So really work on your product or service line to improve the areas that are letting you down.

Improve Your Website

Another big improvement that could really increase your sales, revenue, and general custom, is your website. Because if your web design is letting you down, you could be losing customers, and subsequently sales, because of it. By improving your web design, testing new features, and seeing what generally keeps your customers on site is going to help you to not only hold on to those customers, but encourage them to buy from you too.

Reduce Your Costs

And then there are your costs. Because if you’re not making an awful lot right now, but your overheads are huge, you have a problem. When you’re struggling, you have to react. You can’t just leave everything as it is and expect things to just pick up. You have to take action. Reducing your costs or cutting things out completely will help you to stay above board during times when you need to the most.

Hire Better Staff

You should also be sure to get the right staff in place. Because people make a business. So use the right services, like payroll recruitment agency, Portfolio Payroll, to help you do that. When you bring in the right people, your business will be able to head in the right direction. It can take time, but the when you find the best staff, your situation can improve.

Bring In Experts

As a step on from that, you should also look to hire experts. Why? Because you can’t do it all – and you can’t be an expert in everything from marketing to customer service. But when you hire a marketing agency or outsource your customer service, you will be able to get experts working on each area for you, and you’ll have more chance at getting the results you want.

Host An Exciting Event

Sometimes, you just need a bit of excitement to shake up your business. Events can help with that. A successful event not only brings the customers to you and gets them excited about your business, but it’s also a great PR opportunity and will generate sales too. So get planning and see what this can do for your business.

Launch A New Product

Finally, you may also want to think about launching a new product. You may think that this is a risky move when you’re struggling, but sometimes you have to take risks to make a difference. When what you’re currently doing isn’t working, you need to change things. Sometimes, you’ll find that a new product, even if it’s aimed at a new market, is exactly what your business needs to change, grow, and generate the revenue you want.

Why Is You Business Going Downhill After Years Of Success?

business statusIf you drew a graph of everyone’s life, you’d find that it’s never just a straight line. No one has a straight line constantly moving upwards showing them get more and more successful from the day they’re born. Likewise, no one has a line going downwards all the time or staying level. Instead, we all have moments where things are steady, then they get worse, but then they might get better.

The same can be said of any business venture ever. If you’re reading this, then I bet you’ve been a business owner for some time. In the beginning, things were how they are in most businesses; it was steady, and you were just treading water. Then, you found your feet, and things took off. You saw a lot of success, with lots of customers every day. Now, for some reason, everything has gradually come to a halt. Your business is going downhill, and you have no idea why. You’re looking for answers, and you’ve come to the right place.

While every business is different, and your failures could be caused by things specific to you, there are plenty of common reasons that businesses start going south when they used to have a northern trajectory. Take a look at these reasons below, and see if they apply to your company.

You’re No Longer The Best

Often, small businesses see initial success because they’re the best at what they do. When you started up, you were the only company offering certain services or products in that area. You mopped up the market, and everyone came to you. Naturally, other entrepreneurs see your success and want a piece of it. So, established businesses alter their approach and try to rival what you offer. New businesses pop up trying to compete – and succeeding. In the end, you’ve now got way more competition, and you’re no longer the top dog. Here, you need to alter your approach and start being proactive. Assess your new rivals, figure out their weak points, and use them to your advantage. Don’t just do the same thing and expect things to change. People have outsmarted you, it’s time to be twice as smart as them.

You’re Outdated And Old

A lot of small businesses start failing because they’re seen as outdated and old. Online companies may have websites that just don’t fit with the times, or don’t offer the high level of security that others now do. Retail stores may not have an updated POS system that accepts card or contactless payments. Every business has elements to it that can become outdated and replaced with modern things. Sure, plenty of companies want to try and stay as traditional as possible. I get it, that might be your thing, your USP that makes you different from everyone else. Well, as we already discussed, that USP isn’t working anymore. So, you should start thinking about bringing your business into modern times, and also prepare for the future. A tech-savvy business tends to do a lot better than one that’s still using outdated methods, machines, and everything else.

You’re Offering Things That Are No Longer Desirable

This last point merges in with the second point about being outdated. There, I was talking more from the perspective of technology in that your business isn’t modern, it’s old. Here, I’m talking more about the products/services you offer. The first point spoke about other businesses offering what you offer, but better. This point is about instances where your product/service just simply isn’t desirable to the consumer anymore. The best example of this is a shop that sells a particular type of clothing. Let’s take things to the extremes and say you opened a store that sold fur coats. There was a time where this was highly desirable to consumers. Now, real fur is looked down upon and seen as unethical so no one will buy your stuff anymore. The same applies to service-based businesses; a service that was desirable five years ago might not be desirable anymore. I have a potential future example of this with web design companies. Who knows, in a few years there could be software out there that fully builds sites better than any designer can, meaning this service is no longer needed. You get the picture, and the only way you can improve things is to completely change what you’re selling. Think of something new and exciting that fits current market trends. Don’t force yourself into a small box where you’re restricted in what you can do.

The bad news is; your business is going downhill because of one of these reasons (or all of them). The good news is; you can fix things and start that upward curve on your success graph once more!

Moving Office? Don’t Forget These Business Costs

business moving expensesRelocating your office can be a great time for your business, however, it can also cause a few disruptions. Relocating usually means that you’re growing, but you shouldn’t just move without considering everything you need to consider first. For example, have you considered all of the costs that are related with moving offices? You may think you have them all covered, but if you read through the list here, you might be shocked and surprised.

Your Business Budget

When it comes to your business budget and moving office, there may be some delays and oversights – there usually is. Your budget can shoot up unbeknownst to you, especially if you have things that require special handling, like chemicals. Sizeable costs can be misjudged or missed if you’ve never moved offices before, so make sure you look at your industry carefully and create a plan.

Designing Your New Office

Depending on where you move, your new office may need just a spruce up or a full blown makeover. You can always hand over the responsibility by outsourcing, but of course, that’s going to cost much more. It can be worth the cost if you’ll have clients at your offices and you want them to match your company branding.

Consider your office furniture, will you buy new or take your old furniture? You may want a completely fresh start.

Your IT Systems

Your IT systems give you many points to consider. Computer systems are critical for running most businesses these days, and yours won’t be any exception, no matter how little work you actually do online. You need to make sure that you get back up and running as quickly as possible once you’ve made your move. An IT relocation company like can help to get your desktops recommissioned and connected to new infrastructure so you can begin business as normal as soon as you’re in your new place. If you don’t want any unplanned business downtime (which could end up costing you more than you bargained for) this is something you must consider.


It may be worthwhile spending a little to let customers know that you’re moving, too. Letting customers know your moving is only polite, and you can do this any number of ways. Flyers and social media posts can work, and you can put a note at the end of your emails too. You may want to update your website with a notice. Flyers and similar techniques will cost money, while many online strategies can be free. It all depends on where your business is mostly based, but a mixture of techniques is a good idea. You have to keep your customers in the loop. You must let insurance companies and other important companies know too, or you could end up spending more trying to sort a mess out once you’ve let your old premises.

Make sure you remember these business costs when moving office and you should stick to your budget.

Super Easy Hacks To Running Your Household And Finances Smoothly In 2018

budgeting hacksWhether you have a family to look after, just living together as a couple, or you live on your own, running a home is never easy. There just always seems to be one thing after another. Bills to pay, chores to do, maintenance and general repairs. It never stops. It’s easy to let the whole thing overwhelm you at times. Especially if you have other commitments like a job or kids to look after. So I thought it would make perfect sense at this time of year to share with you some life hacks for making running a home and your finances smoother.

Have a household budget

Household bills can be one of the things many of us can struggle with month by month. Sometimes those costs can just spiral out of control. It’s not just those regular payments we have to make. Things like house payments or energy bills. It’s those costs that we can somehow not manage to predict as much. Things like food bills, clothing allowances and general day to day living. This is where your income can get swallowed up before you even know what has hit you. One of the biggest things you can do is regularly look over your outgoings and see if you can make some changes or save yourself some money. Speaking with mortgage brokers like Altrua Mortgage could help bring one of the biggest costs a month down or even help you release some equity for other things like home improvements or vacations. Switching energy suppliers or insurance providers can also save you quite a bit. You could then put it all together into a household budget. It can be the perfect resolve for this issue. It takes a while to get everything in check, but once it’s done, you will wonder how you ever managed before. Start by making a note of how much you bring in each month. The next step is to deduct those regular payments you pay each month, especially now you may have managed to reduce them. This should then determine how much you have left for everything else. This is where you begin to budget more carefully. Allowing certain amounts for things like food, savings, clothing and everything else. This is a basic budget. You can get many resourced online of you like a sheet to work through. You can then take it one step further and make a budget for savings. Things like birthdays and Christmas gifts. A budget can stop things like money causing you a real headache each month.

A cleaning schedule could work well

Chores are never ending. It seems the moment you tidy up it needs dusting, or the floors need mopping once more. To clean your whole house or home in one go can be difficult. Which is why a cleaning schedule could be the answer to all your prayers. This is where you workout and determine certain chores that need doing each day. It will allow you to spread out the bigger jobs and keep your home in good order on a weekly and monthly basis. You can even schedule in those yearly tasks like cleaning out the garage or clearing the gutters.

Don’t be afraid to hire help

It’s so hard to ask for help sometimes. I don’t know why but it just is. But this is where you can save yourself so much time by hiring someone in to do certain things for you. It’s not an easy way out; you are paying for the privilege. But it could free up more time for you to do other things. Life is too short, and it shouldn’t be spent constantly cleaning or working through that clothes ironing pile. It won’t be easy to find someone you trust, but I’m sure you will find the the best house cleaners for you. Just think how nice it would be to take some of those daily stresses away.

It doesn’t just mean hiring help for the interior of your home; household chores extend to your garden and the maintenance side of things. So don’t worry if you want to get a gardener to come and sort your hedges out every few weeks.

Create a family organizer to keep everyone in check

An organizer for you and your family may seem like a bit of a strange one to consider as a life hack for running your household. But keeping on top of things is what makes your home dynamic work. If you have after school activities that children need to attend. Or work meetings that you need to be aware of, then a family organizer can save you many hours stressing and allows you to be in more control of the situation. Sometimes, on some days, your partner may not need to have his evening meal because he’s working late. Sometimes your kids may need to be at school earlier due to a class trip. There are many times that a family organizer for each week can keep you all in check. Each day you will know what each member of your family needs to do or where they need to be. It will make mealtimes much easier as well as work out logistics.

Keep your appliances under regular services

The worst possible thing that can happen at one time is when your appliances fail on you. This could be anything from your fridge breaking down to your boiler stopping working on the coldest day of the year. These things do happen. However, you can do things to avoid the surprise. Having appliances and pipework regularly serviced means that you are keeping an eye on these things. An engineer may be able to pre-warn you if a certain part looks a bit ropey. This gives you the heads up to budget for those repairs instead of them coming as a surprise to you. Preparation is key to running a successful household. So do all you can to be one step ahead.

Meal planning

Finally, meal planning is one of the big things you can do to make running your household stress-free. What is it about meal times that can send your whole family in a frenzy? Meal planning is just what it says it is. It means sitting down at one point in the week and planning the meals you will eat for the week ahead. This then means you only buy what you need to cook those meals, which can save you a small fortune of your food bill. Each day you and your family will know exactly where you stand. You will know who is home for food and who isn’t, which will then have determined what you will have prepared. Mealtimes can be stressful, so make them easier on yourself by preparing and planning ahead.

I hope these life hacks get your household running like a dream.

The Pros And Cons Of Your First Credit Card

money cardsYour first credit card is milestone in being able to stand on your own two feet. Not only can you improve your credit score, making mortgages more available to you, you can afford more bills and groceries each week, and you have plenty of backup cash in storage just in case of an emergency. However, we all know it isn’t simply sunshine and roses, so we need to think about the benefits and drawbacks of having a credit card. If you’re a young adult or someone older who never got the chance to before, and you’re just deciding to invest in a card of your own, here’s the biggest things for you to consider.

The Pro: Credit Cards Have Reward Systems

Credit cards, the more you use them, often have rewards for you to use at the end of the week or month. This makes them a lot more useful when it comes to shopping, and provides a little more incentive to use a credit card in a healthy manner. For your first card, looking into the systems each provider offers can require a bit of shopping around (to make sure you can use them for all purchases), so don’t make any decisions based on simple want alone!

The amount of different cards there out there means rewards can vary wildly from person to person. For example, with this in mind, you can get a variety of things on your credit card use, such as cashback for the standard types, or free flights for people using a travelling orientated card. It’s often a good idea to have more than one card in your possession, as being able to handle more than one at a time shows off how versatile and responsible you can be with money. It also means more rewards!

The Con: Debt Can Pile Up

Let’s face it, we can lie to ourselves a lot when it comes to money: ‘I need a new TV’ or ‘A few more dog treats won’t hurt!’ Even just thinking about the hypotheticals shows off how many different walks of life can bring in some debt when we let ourselves lose control.

At its core, credit is predatory, but that doesn’t mean we can’t use it safely. With this in mind, we can all agree that debt is a big drawback of using a credit card, and using your available credit too much is dangerous. Even the fact that credit card consolidation loans exist suggests that this is a common habit for people to fall into, so be aware of making excuses for yourself to use your credit card.

Don’t let yourself be intimidated by the amount of options there are on the market for getting a credit card. They’re there to help you rather than hinder you, and there’s no trap for you to fall into when you fully research terms and conditions, and any better alternatives! Balancing a checkbook gets easier and easier when information is so accessible like this.