Posts tagged: debt consolidation

What Is a Debt Consolidation Loan and What Are Its 7 Most Notable Advantages?

deal with debtsGrowing up, we are often told to avoid loans for the sake of maintaining good financial records (e.g., credit). We are also often taught that being financially independent is important and that we should avoid, whenever possible, borrowing money even from family and friends.

But there are situations where debt is essentially inevitable. In fact, almost 50 percent of the reason many are in debt is because of medical-related expenses which, as well all know, are not cheap and are often not avoidable. Of course, there are many other origins of debt, but nevertheless, it can be difficult to get rid of without the proper help at hand.

For the latter reason, let’s talk more about debt consolidation loans and what benefits these loans can propose if you are already in debt and need quick assistance in paying it off.

What Exactly is a Debt Consolidation Loan?

It may sound ironic, but a debt consolidation loan is a loan one receives to help them manage their current debt. You may already know this, but there are other aspects of a debt consolidation loan that are important to understand.

To get down to the details, when one receives a debt consolidation loan, all of their preexisting debt from multiple accounts and payments goes into one big account. All debt is consolidated as a single payment under just one lender, making it convenient and easy for the borrower.

One can receive a debt consolidation loan from many sources including, but not excluded to: banks, credit unions, payday lenders, and more.

However, know that debt consolidation loans are not for everyone. They won’t always provide financial advantages in all scenarios. Regardless, debt consolidation loans can also be useful for many and something they do not regret getting. For that reason, let’s talk about some of the specific advantages of opting for this refinancing option.

Advantages of Debt Consolidation Loans:

1. Helps you pay off debt quicker

One of the main reasons people turn to a debt consolidation loan is because they wish to eliminate their debt as quickly as possible. People want to get rid of debt quickly for two main reasons: 1) to avoid further penalties, fees, and interest rates and 2) to eliminate the stress of having debt.

But with everything consolidated under one source, you can better focus on tackling your debt. Your monthly payment may also be smaller, meaning no more delays in paying off debt on time as you’ll better be able to keep on top of your game.

2. Makes it clearer how much debt needs to be paid off and when

When you have multiple accounts, knowing how much to pay off and when is a juggling act. If one doesn’t have everything properly organized, things can get messy quickly. This alone may be why one is drowning in debt: because they lack the structure and ability to plan ahead to keep up with bills and current debts.

But with all debts in just one account via a debt consolidation loan, you will always know the deadline and how much you still owe. This makes paying off debts significantly easier for some people.

3. Allows you to avoid higher interest rates from creditors and credit card companies

In many cases, opting for a debt consolidation loan means getting to avoid higher interest rates. In fact, interest rates are often negotiable between 0 and 11 percent with a debt consolidation loan. Yet, many credit card companies charge a whopping 20 percent interest rate, which many cannot afford.

When paying reduced interest rates with a debt consolidation loan, you can have more money in your pocket and will be on your way to better financial security.

4. May raise your credit score

Some people when they have bad credit tend to believe that it can’t get much worse yet that it can’t get much better. They feel like they are stuck in a loop. It’s understandable why some people would think this way.

But debt consolidation can potentially help you receive a better credit score, and probably much faster than you’d think. With a better credit score, there are a plethora of benefits at hand including a better chance of getting approved for a credit card and an easier time renting or buying property.

5. Helps you avoid penalties and fees

When one can’t seem to keep up on paying their debts, penalties and fees may arise as a consequence. But it doesn’t just end there. With penalties and fees comes more stress and less money in one’s pocket, and in turn, a potentially even harder time tackling future debts.

Paying off debts quicker and smoother with a debt consolidation loan can eliminate these pesky penalties and fees as monthly payments may be smaller. Plus, debt consolidation can make it easier to plan ahead exactly what you’ll need to pay by your next due date.

6. Stops unwanted collection calls

When in debt, collection calls are not uncommon as creditors turn the account over to a collection agency. Collection agencies can appear threatening at times. That said, these calls can be frightening, annoying, and stressful to receive.

But when you are paying off debt quickly through the help of a debt consolidation loan, you can in turn avoid collection calls, allowing you to regain peace.

7. Reduces financial stress

As a result of having debt paid off quickly and getting to avoid paying higher interest rates, stress related to debt and finances in general can be reduced significantly. With less stress comes a happier, calmer mind.

With less stress, one can achieve better performance at work and stronger relationships with friends and family. Having a calmer mind can also bring better health. After all, stress can practically affect every aspect of our lives, and it isn’t until stress is eliminated that we begin to feel like our true selves again.

If you are interested in seeing how you can receive a debt consolidation loan, you can find more information here.


For some people, managing debt can be fairly easy. However, for others, tackling debt can be a long, stressful, and seemingly impossible process that never seems to end. In the latter case, considering getting a debt consolidation loan may be a great option. While debt consolidation isn’t for everyone, it has a plethora of advantages that many can receive from it.

But before taking the next step, be sure to research the debt consolidation loan consto ensure the benefits will outweigh the potential disadvantages in your specific case.

The Best Ways To Keep On Top Of Your Finances

top financial positionKeeping your finances in check is a very important thing to do in the 21st century. You’re going to need to be able to keep everything where it is because the world revolves around money! Everything you need and want you have to pay for with money, including your house and food, so it’s important to make sure it’s all in order so you don’t go without anything, but how can you do it? Well, if you read on, you’ll learn how!

Keep A Good Credit Score

Credit scores have been around for a while but have only recently become used, so what is it? Well, your credit score is a representation of how good your financial standings are in terms of credit. It takes into account things like how much credit has been used in your past, how long it’s taken you to pay it back and if there were any discrepancies with the payment. When you apply for a loan, banks will look at your credit score and judge you off it; if it’s in a poor state then they’re going to be likely to turn you down for the applied loan, however if your credit score is good then you’re going to be in the green and get your loan! Not getting loans can become a very serious problem if you need to money urgently, so we need to find a way around this, and luckily there is. Websites like are able to repair your credit score by filtering through very small loans and repayments through your account, improving your credit score so you don’t have to worry about getting turned down for a loan ever again!

Opening A Savings Account

Savings accounts are brilliant ways to raise money without actually having to do anything or invest anywhere, so what are they? They are small accounts that are attached to your main bank account and serve as a way to store money. Each month, your savings account will take a predetermined amount of money from your main bank account into your savings account, which will stack up and accumulate after a while. You can open these accounts from banks like american express, and the real beauty of them is revealed once you’ve been paying into them for a few years. You’re going to have a sum of money that has interest on it so that it grows within the account, which can be a huge amount depending on how long you leave it! This can get you through a rainy day when you need funds but don’t have the available in your bank account. Another good thing about them is that they are temptation free; you need not worry about accidently spending what is in your savings account because you are unable to access it with your card, perfect for anyone that might find themselves buying extra things because they think the money is there which makes it a great tool for keeping on top of your money.

Debt Consolidation

Having and dealing with debt is part of life, and an unavoidable one at that too! Debt just means something that you need to pay back, and with the amount of things we have to borrow money for in the 21st century this covers a lot of things. Debt can come in the form of credit card payments, loan repayments, mortgages and so on, and the single thing that makes them a pain is how many there are. Debts become a problem when you’ve got lots of them; they become hard to follow and track, which means that you’re going to struggle a bit trying to work out how much money is going out of your account each month to what company! This means it’s more difficult to budget, meaning that life gets more difficult. However there is a solution. Debt consolidation loans that you can find more about if you read on at, operate in a way that allows all of your debt repayments to be funneled into one, monthly repayment. This reduces the amount of tracking down money you have to do, you know how much you’re going to have to pay at the end of the month in one easy instalment making life easier for you!

Smart Meters

This is a great way to keep a track of how much you’re going to be spending on your utility bills at the end of the month! Smart meters are installed into your system, and it will gather data from all of the different sources your house pulls from, mainly being electricity, gas and water. It will be able to read how much of each commodity you have used, and by inputting how much you pay for a given volume or measurement of each of the commodities, it can tell you how much you’ve used and therefore how much it’s going to cost at the end of the month. It will be able to make basic predictions about your resource usage so you can effectively plan for the month ahead by knowing how much your bills are going to be instead of being stuck doing guesswork like the days of old!

Coupon Shopping

Everyone loves coupons; they’re given to us by supermarkets and other retailers and give us brilliant discounts that we then go and take full advantage of, but there is a problem with them. Nothing in the world comes for free, and unfortunately neither do coupons; they’re given away when a customer spends over a certain amount, which means that if you don’t reach the quota like a lot of us won’t, you’re not going to be eligible for the coupon and this means you’re going to miss out! So what can we do to circumvent this? Well, websites like groupon exist to serve this purpose for us. They have online coupons available for free, for everyone to use however they’re only available for a limited time so if you’re wanting to use something for a later date it’s best to do it sooner rather than later! They’re able to do this because the company coupons are a form of advertising, meaning that it’s completely legal and nothing for you to worry about getting in trouble for. Some coupon sites are illegal though, so you will have to use your head and avoid websites that look dodgy to save yourself from having a nightmare!

Budgeting Properly

Budgeting is the key to managing your finances properly, it’s an essential skill that you need to learn in order to be able to properly manage your finances. Budgeting involves being able to plan out where your money is going to go for the next month, or where it should be going at least! You’re going to have to know how much you spend each month on each bill that you have to pay, as well as for food and taking into account how much money you’re going to be putting away each month! This can all be very difficult to do when you’re starting off and chances are that you’re not going to be able to do it very well, but there is a helping hand available to you! Online budget planners are available for free on the internet, which you should take advantage of if you find yourself struggling! They’re able to take out all of the pain of trying to do all the maths work manually; instead, these planners do it for you and show how much money you’re going to have at the end of the month and how much you should be saving each payday to keep some spare.

It’s recommended to do all of these things to make sure that you keep on top of everything to do with your money, if you have a good credit score you’re not going to have to worry about getting refused for a loan when you need it most, you’ll have a savings account that you can dip into as and when you need it for those days that cost just the little bit extra, you could have yourself a debt consolidation loan to help you pay back all those small niggling debts that somehow creep up on you, a smart meter so you know exactly what your bills are going to be that month too. And then to top it all off you’ll have loads of coupons at your disposal to make your life cheaper and you’ll have a proper budget so you know what your plan for your money is for the month! When you’ve got all this income, it’s important to not only know where to spend it, but how to protect it once you’ve spent it. If you go out and buy something new with all your savings, only for it to break, you’ve just lost yourself a lot of money, so if you want to know how to keep what you invest in safe then read this!

Pennies Today, Dollars Tomorrow: How Compound Interest Grows Your Debt

Are-You-Managing-Your-Debt-Or-Is-Your-Debt-Managing-YouHow much will you pay in interest this year?  Few borrowers realise the implications of compound interest on their debt when they sign on the dotted line.  While a few percentage points may seem like a trivial technicality, the interest on your loan is compounding every day– and so is your debt.

Simple versus Compound Interest Calculations

Simple interest accrues only on your principal, which is the actual amount that you have borrowed from a lender, be it via a credit card or a home loan.  In simple interest calculations, your interest rate is percentage of the principal on your debt.  An APR, or Annual Interest Rate, of 15% on a principal of $100 would accrue $15 of interest charges over the life of the loan in a simple interest calculation.

Compound interest involves a continual recalculation of the amount that you owe the lender.  For the $100 that you charged on a credit card with an APR of 15%, your daily interest rate will be approximately 0.041%.  This is because the amount of interest will compound, or be recalculated, based on your balance each day.  On Day 1, you will accrue $0.41 in interest charges, bringing your new balance to $100.41.  On Day 2, your interest will be calculated based on a balance of $100.41 and you will accrue an additional 42 cents of debt, bringing your new amount owed to $100.83.  This will continue each day until the balance is paid in full.

While most credit card companies and similar lenders offer a grace period in which the borrower may pay the balance in full to avoid any interest charges, making only the minimum required payment means that the remaining balance will begin to accrue interest immediately.

The Exponential Growth of Your Debt

Almost all lenders use compound interest calculations when you borrow money.  This has profound implications on your debt.  While the initial 41 cents of interest on your $100 charge seems innocuous enough, over the course of a year your debt will grow exponentially.  If you make a minimum payment of $10 each month, it will take you 11 months to pay down your debt, costing a total of $107.50.  Now consider if you miss a payment and have late penalties applied to your account, causing you to take months longer to pay the balance in full.  It isn’t hard to see why several thousand dollars or more of debt would quickly become an insurmountable burden.

In November 2012, the average credit card debt per borrower in the US was almost $5,000.  Student loan debt for undergraduates was a staggering $27,000 after leaving college, with professional students owing over $79,000.  Compound interest rates will cause the debts to soar even higher, with many borrowers ultimately paying tens of thousands of dollars more than their principal.

Stop the Climb!  Solutions to Help You Get Out of Debt

The key to limiting the growth of your debt is controlling the interest compounding on your debt. Debt consolidation loans offer a means to do just that.  By consolidating all of your debt into one loan, you will pay interest on only one loan.  More of your monthly payment will pay off the principal, allowing you to pay down your debt more quickly.

A debt consolidation loan is not a magic bullet.  A realistic budget and the discipline to stick to it are crucial parts of any debt elimination plan.  But they do offer a way to slow the exponential growth caused by compound interest, allowing you to regain control of your finances.  Getting out of debt is a difficult undertaking; debt consolidation can simplify the process.

Katie Latchford is a freelance writer who has a keen interest in financial matters such as how to ease your financial situation by applying for a debt consolidation loan to help you to manage your debt more effectively.

How To Prepare For A Debt Consultation

Drowning in debtDo you feel like your drowning in debt? If you answered yes, one of the most effective ways to get to the root of the problem is seek the guidance of a debt counselor. It is very difficult to look at your spending with an open mind when you are trying to take control of the spending and the debt without an unbiased professional’s help. The first step identifying where the problem lies is to schedule a debt consultation. During your appointment, an experienced debt counselor will help you come up with a plan to tackle your debt, but you must be prepared if you want the appointment to go right.

How to Prepare for Your Upcoming Debt Consultation

When you are being counseled about your debt, the counselor will give you personalized advice that is tailored to help guide you out of your current situation. To give you advice, the counselor needs to know exactly how much pay you take home, how much all of your living expenses cost, and how much you owe all of your creditors. Only you know who you owe money to and how serious your situation has become. While it is only natural to try and downplay the situation in your own mind, you should never try and downplay your debt to your counselor. Here are some things you can do to prepare for your consultation so that you have everything you need to come up with a feasible debt reduction plan:

  • Do not accept any new credit card offers or loans. The key is to stop digging yourself into debt, and taking out new lines of credit will not help the situation.
  • Gather documentation that the counselor will need to review your current situation. These documents may include: billing statements, past due invoices, recent receipts, judgments, all letters from your creditors, titles to your cars, property deeds, and credit card statements. If you do not have any of these on hand, access your accounts online and print the account summary page.
  • If you love to make work easier for everyone involved, make a list of all of the credit cards you have. In the spreadsheet, you can put the current account balance and credit limit. This will help your counselor see which cards need to be tackled first to repair your credit.
  • Bring pay stubs from the last two pay periods. If your income varies, try bringing at least three months worth of cancelled checks. This will help the counselor assess how much you are taking home and what percentage of your income can be used to payoff debt.

Debt counselors can help you choose the best debt relief option for your situation. What is right for one person may not be right for the next. Bring everything that you need to help your counselor assess your situation. With all of the right documentation and the right mindset, you can pay your debt down and put your mind at ease.

This post was provided by Heather Graham, a personal finance expert. He recommends the consumers proposal process for those facing dept problems. André Gabbay et Associés Inc. can help with debt consulations.

Debt Settlement: The Advantages And Disadvantages

debt settlementDebt Settlement

Debt can be really scary! You worry about creditor calls even when they aren’t calling. Wondering what you will say, how you will tell them that you lost your job, your income is not what it once was, or you simply got in over your head. You lose sleep and work and still don’t have a solution. This may be the time to consider debt settlement.

What is Debt Settlement?

This is a program offered by experts in finance and negotiations. When these services are contracted an experienced debt settlement professional will act on your behalf, call up your creditors and work at reducing your debt, your late fees and penalties to lower your total debt substantially. If you owe more than $10,000 then this is an option you should carefully consider.

How Does it Work?

In most cases, you are already in a debt collection situation and creditors are already contacting you and aren’t being very nice in their collection efforts. When you decide to contract debt consolidation services, the creditors stop calling and you stop making any payments you are currently making. Instead any payment you make is placed in a savings or escrow account set up by the debt settlement company. At that point they begin negotiating with your creditors and use the account funds to settle a certain amount of your debt. When these funds don’t cover the negotiated settlement amount then they work with you to get a loan to pay off all the creditors and leave you with the one loan payment.

 The Advantages

With debt settlement services you could satisfy your debt for far less than what you actually owe. It is not unheard of for a reliable debt settlement company like to reduce debt by as much as 50% to 60% and sometimes even more. This gives you the opportunity of becoming totally debt free within a 12 to 24 month period. Once the settlement is agreed upon and you fulfill your part of the deal these debts will no longer be subject to legal action or collection pursuits. Additionally, most people who undergo the process feel financial relief as their monthly debt payment is often reduced substantially, giving them more disposable income.

The Disadvantages

Debt solution is not a “get-out-of-jail free card”. There are consequences and one of these may affect your credit score negatively. For a while a debt settlement process could give you a negative mark on your credit history. Still, this negative hit is not as dire or as far-reaching as that of bankruptcy. Additionally the forgiven amount of the debt will be reported on your credit score. Even so, by following your credit consolidation agent’s advice you can turn this negative mark around and pull your credit score back up.

Still a Solution

Even with the disadvantages debt settlement can be a good option when your credit bills are out of hand and you can barely make the minimum payments – never seeming to get ahead. Just make sure the debt settlement service you choose works in your best interest and helps you get fair offers you can actually pay. Once creditors agree to your offer get letters in writing that the account is settled and keep these in a safe location. You never know when you have to prove these as having been settled.

Jonathon Blocker is an expert on information regarding legal matters. Jon searches online for debt settlement to find firms that offer legal advice and assistance.