Category: Savings

How Will The Flat Rate Pension Affect You?

Pension after retirementAlthough it isn’t due to be introduced until 2016, the flat rate state pension is a major shake up of the retirement benefits system and will have an impact on anyone retiring after that time. It’s therefore important to understand what it means and to carry out a pension review accordingly.

If you’ll be retiring before April 2016 then the changes won’t affect you and you’ll be paid a state pension under the current system. Currently this is £107.45 a week for the basic pension or £142.70 if you get the additional pension based on National Insurance contributions or you get pension credit.

Retirement After April 2016

If you reach state pension age after April 2016 then you’ll receive the flat rate pension rather than the existing one. This involves some major changes as follows:

1. You’ll need to have made National Insurance contributions for at least ten years to qualify for a pension (currently it’s only one year) and this will only get you £41 a week.

2. To get the full state pension you’ll need to make 35 years’ worth of NI contributions (currently you only need 30 years).

3. With 35 years’ NI contributions you’ll receive £144 a week at today’s values. Since state pensions are adjusted for inflation this is likely to be more when the policy comes into effect. The new pension will be adjusted in line with the CPI index or 2.5% each year, whichever is higher.

4. The second state pension, pension credit and other top-up schemes will cease. However, if you’ve already built up an entitlement to a higher pension through second pension or SERPS contributions before 2016 this will be protected but you won’t be able to add to it.

5. You’ll be able to take time out to raise a family and still build up state pension qualifying years, which isn’t currently the case.

6. Eligibility for a pension will be on an individual basis, so married couples will each get their own pension rather than the married couple’s rate that’s paid at present. The other side of this is that a widow without enough qualifying years for a full pension will no longer get a portion of her husband’s pension after he dies.

7. If you’re still in a final salary pension scheme with an employer you’ll end up paying more in NI contributions as the contracting out option will no longer be available.

8. The state pension age will be reviewed every five years starting in 2016. It’s currently planned to increase it to 66 in 2020 and 67 in 2028.

Additional Pensions

Because the changes mean the end of the second state pension if you need to increase your income in retirement you’ll need to look at other means. These changes overlap with the government’s plan to have all employees enrolled in a workplace pension scheme which will give them an additional means of saving for retirement.

Low earners and the self-employed, who may in the past have found it hard to build up enough contributions for a full state pension, will benefit most from these changes.

If you’re on a higher income want to save more for your pension then you’ll need to look at other alternatives outside of National insurance such as starting a private pension plan or a SIPP. If you’re in a pension scheme with an employer you could also look at making additional voluntary contributions (AVCs) to boost the value of your pension pot.

Kay Brown is a writer who has a keen interest in personal finance. With the imminent changes to pensions, she suggests conducting a pension review so that you know the impact that the flat rate pension will have on your retirement.

5 Tips To Save Money On Home Energy Costs

Home energy costsBeing energy efficient is not only an environmentally conscious decision, it’s an economical one as well. With the cost of living continually on the rise and energy costs projected to increase throughout the years to come, watching home energy consumption is quickly becoming a high priority. If you are looking for ways to cut down on your next bill, check out these 5 top tips to save money on home energy costs.

Helpful Habits

The first step to making a significant saving on your energy bill is to change the way you use power in your home. Make it a strict household policy to turn off any lights that aren’t needed, switch off appliances after use and to check all power points are off before leaving the house. With a bit of planning, you can make a difference to your energy costs simply by being more conscientious.

Solar Savings

When it comes to cutting home energy costs, solar power is undoubtedly one of the best long term investments you can make. Thanks to recent Government rebates, many homes are now equipped with the latest in solar technology, and the results are impressive. Harnessing the natural energy of the sun slices your power bill while making a significant positive environmental change.

Energy Efficient Fittings

There are a range of small changes you can make to your home to ensure the best energy efficiency. Try equipping all of your light fittings with specially designed energy saving bulbs for brighter illumination and over half the usage of traditional bulbs. Another great way to cut energy costs is to install timer plugs which only switch on when you need them to. Simply program the set times into the switch, and it will only use energy during these specific times.

Smart Appliances

When it comes time to replace your old appliances, make sure you look for new models which display high energy efficiency ratings. Everything from your washing machine and dryer to fridge and dishwasher can all make a significant difference when they are designed to use energy sparingly and effectively. You’d be surprised just how much of a saving smart appliances can make to your long term energy costs.

Getting Out of Trouble

Sometimes despite all of your best efforts, you might find yourself hit with an exorbitant energy bill that is just too much to pay. Your first step should be to consult your energy provider to try and work through a payment plan that will allow you to make regular repayments until the amount is paid in full. However if this approach is not successful, or if you have already fallen behind in your payments, it’s time to enlist professional help.

Fox Symes debt solutions are one of the leading providers of advice and support to Australians that are struggling with debt. They will not only help you to get back on track, but they can also negotiate with your creditors on your behalf. Don’t let the stress of an unpaid energy bill turn into a seriously damaging debt problem.

With these top tips, you can be well on your way to cutting your energy costs and living a more economical and environmentally friendly lifestyle.

Sharon has recently been looking for ways to get her finances under control by saving energy around the home. She also enlisted the help of Fox Symes debt solutions in order to get on top of her finances and recommends that other people looking to save money to do the same. 

Could Cash-back Websites Help You Save Money?

cash back iconWhen retailers want to increase online sales, they will sometimes pay a commission to other websites which direct potential customers to their cyber store through a link. However, you can take advantage of this reward by using cashback websites.

Rather than keeping all of the profit, these sites give some of the proceeds to you, meaning you can save huge sums on digital purchases. Therefore, you should check whether you can click through to a company on a cashback site before going direct.

How can you save money?

Normally, you will receive a certain commission on each transaction you make. For example, you can currently receive 3.03 per cent cashback from the Debenhams website by using the link provided on

However, you will sometimes be able to take advantage of lump sums. These are often provided if you sign up to a subscription service. npower is currently offering up to £100 cashback to new customers who sign up through

Receive cashback on the essentials

You can get money back every time you spend on essentials, such as groceries, by becoming a member of a cashback website. Most supermarkets offer £5 to £10 to customers who order their first online shop.

However, you can also take advantage of cheaper groceries by going to your local store. Quidco’s ClickSnap has a range of different offers, such as 40 pence cashback on eggs, which you can claim by sending in a picture of your receipt.

Save money on financial products

If you’re on a debt management plan, it’s likely that you are looking to apply for a new bank account or switch your home insurance provider. Cashback websites can support these types of money-saving exploits further by allowing you to claim commission when you sign up.

However, make sure that the financial product is right for you before applying, and always calculate the overall cost so you can compare properly. Sometimes, it might work out cheaper to go with a company that offers a smaller cashback reward.

Get your hands on gadgets for less

Cashback websites often have fantastic deals on the latest gadgets, meaning that you can treat yourself or buy gifts for others for less. Since these items tend to be expensive, even a small commission can amount to big savings.

Special deals are often available on new mobile phone contracts – Tesco is currently offering up to £50.50 back on the Apple iPhone 5 through Topcashback. However, you can receive rewards on almost any item or service, from photograph prints to flat-screen televisions.

Enjoying days out on a budget

Research from Family Action shows that 44 per cent of British parents cannot afford to throw their child a birthday party. However, a larger proportion might be able to celebrate the special occasion without breaking the bank by taking advantage of cashback websites.

As a mum or dad, it might fill you with dread when your little one asks to go to the theme park or the cinema for their birthday, but just a few clicks on your computer could mean that the dent in your bank balance is less noticeable.

Families who visited attractions during the recent Easter holidays saved £35,000 on tickets through Quidco, so no matter what the event, accessing these websites before planning a day out can be extremely beneficial.

No purchase offers

You could profit from your cashback exploits, as long as you’re careful to read all of the associated terms and conditions. Getting cashback doesn’t always mean an initial outlay – sometimes making money is as simple as clicking a link.

On Topcashback, you can earn £1.51 for a car insurance quote application, secure 70 pence for filling in a survey, or receive £15.15 for signing up for a free LOVEFiLM trial. Look under the ‘Free Cashback’ section of the website for more deals.

If you download the Quidco mobile phone application, you can earn a few pence just for ‘checking in’ at nearby retailers using the GPS system. This money can soon stack up if you’re strolling down the high street.

Are cashback websites right for you?

Cashback websites are normally free to use, and they offer you discounts or commission on everything from loaves of bread and electricity bills to airline tickets and car tyres. It could therefore help you to save money in a wide range of areas.

However, you should always be cautious. You should still shop around, since you might not always get the biggest savings from a cashback site, and decide which deal is the best for you by calculating overall costs of a product or service.

Stef has worked through a debt solution plan with the help of Debt Free Direct, she now writes articles on money saving tips and advice to help people avoid getting into debt; or save money to pay off their existing debt.

How To Decide If You Should Focus On Saving Or Paying Off Debt

Saving or paying off debtThere’s no shortage of personal finance information on the Internet. You’ve probably lost count of how many times you’ve read that it’s important to save money every month. While that sounds great in theory, when you have a cloud of debt hanging over you, focusing on saving becomes even harder.

Regardless of how good your intentions are, it’s hard to convince yourself that funneling money into your savings account is the best course of action when you’re receiving daily phone calls about payments that are past due.

Since this is a dilemma that millions of Americans face, you’re not alone in wondering how you should deal with it. And as you may have guessed, there’s not just one answer to this question. Instead, it really does depend on your individual situation. To decide which option is right for you, there are several factors that you need to take into account:

Rainy Day Fund

While it’s obviously important to think about the future and take steps to help secure your retirement, in terms of what currently matters most for you and your family, that would be having a sufficient rainy day fund. Also commonly referred to as an emergency fund, the reason having one is so important is you simply never know when a significant expense may come up. Although you can plan and project your budget all the way down to the penny, if an emergency situation arises, the last thing you want is for it to also be a financial catastrophe.

Given the importance of this fund, if you don’t have one yet or it’s not even close to the amount you actually need, it’s worth focusing on this type of saving before you begin dealing with getting rid of your debt.

The Real Cost of Your Debt

One important calculation to make is comparing the true cost of your debt to how much you can earn from saving. As an example, let’s say you have $8,000 in credit card debt with 9% interest. By multiplying the two, you can see that specific debt is costing you $720 a year. Then once you decide how much you either want to pay off or put in savings, you can calculate the savings yield you’ll receive and then determine which option will put you in a more favorable position.

Your Short-Term Financial Goals

The other factor you need to take into account is what your priorities are in the short-term. If you’re doing something like starting a business, it makes sense to prioritize saving so you’ll have the funds necessary to get your venture off the ground.

As previously mentioned, although there’s not a definitive answer to this question, you now have all the information you need to make the right decision for your specific situation.

James Freemont is a freelance writer who blogs about income tax planning and financial advice.

What Have You Got Planned For Your Retirement?

Retirement plansOne of the many things we do as we work each day is consider what our retirement will be like. Do you have yours planned?

I know that I want to build myself a little house near the water in a sunny and warm area, maybe somewhere in Africa or along the Spanish coastline. All my years of hard work will pay off and my retirement will be my time; a time to relax, explore things I haven’t explored yet and visit areas that are still on my “to-do” list.

Enjoy an around the World Cruise

One of the ideas I had once my pension pays out is to take some of the money and book myself on an around the world cruise. Travel in style and luxury, enjoy the on-board food and entertainment and discover countries and sights that I haven’t seen before.

The advantage to waiting until retirement before you take an around the world cruise, is that you have nowhere to be in a hurry. Your days of juggling work and home, getting the children off to school and working full-time are over, it’s your time to shine and enjoy your well-earned break. Do a pension review and ensure that you will have enough money to live comfortably after retirement while enjoying some new experiences such as an around the world cruise.

Try Something New

My idea when I retire is to try something new; maybe take an arts class and learn how to spend my days sitting on the beach front, the sun on my back with a paint brush in my hand.

Another great way to spend time is to explore new countries and try all the foods I’ve been too scared to try before. Have a crocodile steak in Africa or try the spicy delights of Morocco.

Once you retire it’s your time to shine, why not try new things. Write up a list of all the things you want to do when you have the time and spend your time crossing items off the list.

Explore New Countries

I’ve always had an urge to visit Tunisia, I hear there are some fantastic historical ruins there, some of which put the Colosseum in Rome to shame. This isn’t a possibility now, I work full time and manage my children and family, and there isn’t much time to do anything else. But once I retire, have done my pension review and know how much money I have to travel, experience new things and try something different, this will be on my list.

The advantage of travelling when retired is you don’t have a deadline, you don’t have to rush home to get back to work and you can enjoy your holiday at your own leisure. What a pleasure. I hate having to rush home from a holiday, only to start work the very next day and when you have travelled overseas, work is gruelling as you struggle with jet lag. In your retirement there are no deadlines; you simply do everything at your own pace which means holidays will become more enjoyable.

Plan Your Finances

Planning your retirement is exciting and I’ve been dreaming of retirement since I was young as working seven days a week for years on end, I deserve to retire to a wonderful beach house where I can travel on a whim without deadlines. But I need a pension review to ensure I have enough money to live on for many years without working and extra money to travel, try new things and go on my cruise around the world.

It’s really important to start planning early on, save up what you can and add to your pension wherever possible to ensure a comfortable lifestyle in your older years.

Kay Brown is a writer who is passionate about finances, being prepared for the future and travel. With a pension review in place, your retirement can be a pleasant experience where you are in complete control.