Category: Savings

Finance world changing fast for the depositors – A past & present overview

Manage your financesWe all are using Bank accounts to do proper financial management. Now people hardly keep liquid cash with them, instead of that people are using Debit & Credit cards. Government bank are in the place of trust but private banks are also giving a good competition by providing great services.

Previously people only rely on government banks due to the security factors but now the time has changed people are started relying on private banks for their advanced services. And as both the banks has to fulfill all the standardize rules & guidelines fixed by the central banking authority. Competition is very tuff in both the banks so customers/account holders are getting benefited with this.

As we know that world economy is not in a good position so we all are thinking about our financial future. Now most of the people are appointing financial adviser or taking help from different reputed wealth management companies to place their liquid assets/money for the maximum growth. So, banks are working sometimes as an adviser.

As both the government & private banks are bound to follow the service rules fixed by the central banking system of the respective country but since they are customizing their services to grab the customer’s attention. Few banks are providing different fixed deposit schemes & few banks are concentrating to improvise the recurring deposit schemes to target all type of customers. I know this topic is debatable but since as per my personal experience i can say that both Government & private banks do have some standardize individual identity of providing services to their customers. I do have my personal saving accounts in both the private & government banks & i am very happy with their services or vice verse.

But now coming to the customers side, for making the financial security for the future people are still rely on fixed deposit, recurring deposit, insurance & pensions but I can say the financial sector is changing very fast which we can see in the banking sector, previously they were only the security of our finances but now they are performing as a adviser & also assisting the customer with all their queries. In the other side people are started investing in shares, investment bonds, debenture etc. Longed & parenting by the leading companies of the world.

Positive & negative aspects the sides of a coin which will remain the same but the service will help us to decide the right side & go forward to make our self financially secured.

5 Tips for Developing a Personal Financial Plan

Financial JourneyKeeping a personal budget is not difficult in theory, but it becomes much more difficult to stick with it throughout the month. As a result, it is a good idea to write up a list of tips, as they can keep you focused on the goal at hand. If you can remember these rules, staying within your personal budget becomes much easier.

Avoid Debt

This is the main goal of developing a personal finance plan and it is also the most important thing to remember. You should never spend more money than you earn, as this puts you behind on your quest toward financial freedom.

Once you get yourself out of debt, you can start spending money again. Taking the first step is important, however, and it will take a great deal of discipline.

Pay Yourself First

This might sound like it prolongs your period in debt, but what it truly does is make the situation more livable. Paying yourself does not mean that you go out and blow all of your money right away, but it does mean that you should put money in your savings and retirement funds before you pay your creditors.

By paying yourself first, you ensure that you will always have money around, which can help you to prevent more debt in the future. If you run into an emergency, but have not put enough money into savings, you will end up right back in debt if you do not follow this plan.

Track Expenses

Another difficult aspect of personal finances is tracking your own expenses, but it is very important because it allows you to develop a plan. Save your receipts for everything for a few months, so that you can see exactly what you are spending.

This makes it easier to see where you can cut spending, which allows you to pay off your debt at a faster pace. You would not drive in a strange city without directions or a map, so you should not try to navigate your financial situation without a clear idea of where your money is going.

Stay Within Your Budget

Making a budget is easy, but it is much more difficult to stay within it. If you are committed to saving money, however, a budget can become your best friend.

By giving yourself a monthly allowance, you can be certain that you will never spend more than you make. Of course, that might mean that you have to pass on the Mustang apparel that just went on sale at your favorite store, but it is important as you attempt to reach your financial goals.

Try to Avoid Paying Interest

When you purchase something on credit, you end up paying much more than the sticker price. Therefore, it is always a good idea to save up and pay cash for something, especially if you are making a major purchase.

Of course, it is probably not possible to pay for a new home out of pocket, but you can probably afford to pay for many of your day-to-day expenses without going further into debt.

Choosing the best retirement plan for a secure future

Financial retirementA financially secure future is what most of us are constantly working towards. We set a portion of our funds aside for a safe future, invest in 401(k) plans, set up IRA accounts and try investing in sound retirement plans based on part research, part hearsay. Choosing a safe investment vehicle is a matter most people lose their sleep over. Does a 401(k) plan carry interesting tax benefits? Does an IRA account effectively maximize your money? Are bonds a sounder investment option than stocks? These are some questions that might occur to you while trying to choose an optimum retirement plan, which keeps your future out of harm’s way.

The fundamental solution to a retirement plan problem is the understanding of tax benefits and returns that each investment plan offers. The 401(k) plan and the IRA (individual retirement account) are tax free investment options where you don’t have to pay taxes on the money invested or the interest unless you begin receiving benefits. As contributing to these accounts leads to a decrease in your taxable income, you pay lesser taxes overall. However, both methods are fundamentally different from each other and need careful research before they you take a decision.

While the 401(k) plan is set up by your employer, an IRA is an individual choice. The 401(k) plan will allocate similar distributions to employees, while an IRA leaves you with a lot of options as far as investment vehicles go. The 401(k) plan gives you the option of withdrawing money during an emergency; other than reducing your net taxable income. However, when you start to withdraw money from your account, the amount will be taxed as additional income. Also, there are penalties for premature withdrawal.

The IRA comes with its own pros and cons. You don’t need any help from a financial planner as the account is easy to set up. It also gives you a lot of freedom in choosing investment options like bonds, stocks or mutual funds. However, it imposes penalties on premature withdrawal and has a low contribution rate.

Through a 401(k) or an IRA account, you could invest your money in a number of things such as bonds, mutual funds, stocks, real estate and so on. Each profile has a unique risk to returns ratio that must be studied before choosing to invest in. The stock market has always been an enigmatic and unassailable investment option to most. With a high risk and an even higher reward associated with it, a stock portfolio could potentially take your investments to new heights. Bonds do not carry the high risk that stocks do, but neither do they offer promising returns on investment.

Choosing the best plan would require extensive research and an understanding of your financial requirements. Investing in both, IRA and a 410(k) could well be a sound diversification strategy, according to some professionals. Other new age IRA plans like investing in commercial real estate could also be the key to an assured future. Seek expert advice before going for any option available to you.
When retirement finally happens, a retirement plan could be your knight in shining armour. A careful approach towards choosing a sound plan will go a long way in ensuring financial security.

4 Great Ways To Cut Down Your Household Spending

Cost cuttingAs you’ve probably heard, the economic climate is harsh at present. Due to the rising prices of many goods, lots of families are feeling the squeeze and putting a lid on their spending. With all this going on, the last thing you might be thinking about right now as a young family is putting money aside for your children’s future – but there’s no guarantee that things will be any easier by the time your child leaves home to go to university, or search for work. No matter how bad things may seem, it’s always a good idea to at least consider putting money into a Children’s ISA.

But with an already squeezed budget, you might be asking yourself: How can it be done? How can I trim our household outgoings any more than I already have?

Here are some ways you can free up money if you’re finding it a struggle to put funds aside:

Cut Down on Unused Luxuries

We all have them: gym memberships we never use; digital channel packages we don’t watch; subscriptions to cookery or gardening magazines we never read but which seemed like a good idea at the time; the list of extraneous luxuries goes on. So, before you make a purchase or a commitment to something which requires a monthly payment plan, stop and think: Do I really need this? Can I live without it? There’s nothing the matter with indulging yourself every now and again, but if you’re going to spend money on a hobby, make sure it’s worthwhile. Remember that this is money you could be putting to better use elsewhere. 

Be Thrifty With Your Utilities 

You might think that switching off the lights in the rooms you’re not in, and not leaving the TV on standby overnight might not make much of a difference – but it all adds up. Being clever with your energy use will not only help to reduce your carbon footprint but will also reap you rewards when you receive your next utility bill – and in turn free up more money to put into your savings.

Eat In More

We all deserve a nice meal out every now and then, especially after a tough week. But it can be easy to cave in to temptation and let this become a regular fixture. Having a meal in a restaurant can seem like such an appetising prospect that we’re often blinded to the cost of it – which doesn’t hit us until we’ve got the check after a round of desserts. If you find yourself eating out regularly, this is a cost you can easily cut out. Treat yourself to a nice meal by all means – but remember that taking out and eating at home, or even cooking a special meal yourself instead of eating out regularly will almost always be cheaper. 

Take Advantage of Deals

In your household, a holiday might be a non-negotiable fixture of your year – and understandably so. We all need to take time out from our busy lifestyles every now and then. But if you’re looking to save money, it pays to seek out deals and offers and get in there early. If you’re booking a summer holiday, try and plan it in January or even before if you can, and the chances are there’ll be a host of early bird price deals on offer.

How To Be Frugal Without Being Cheap

couponNobody likes to spend more money than they need to on things, and saving money where you can is always a wise move. However, there is a difference between being frugal and being cheap. When you are frugal, you watch your pennies and make wise, thoughtful financial decisions. When you are cheap, you skimp in order to save money, but you may sacrifice quality or even your reputation for the sake of saving money. Frugal people recognize the value in an item and may find a way to save money on it, such as by using coupons or promo codes to buy smartphones or other items. Here are some tips to help you avoid being cheap while still saving money on your purchases.

Plan and Save

Frugal people are those who make thoughtful, informed buying decisions. In order to accomplish this, it is necessary that you think ahead and plan for your purchase. You want to research the different product options well ahead of time and avoid buying impulsively. More than that, you want to save money to make large purchases. When planning for purchases, keep an eye on your budget. Always pay attention to how a purchase will affect your budget and your bottom line. If you are comfortable with the affect that a purchase will have, have saved money for it and have comparison shopped to find the best deal, you can make your purchase with confidence.

Consider Older Models

For many types of products, new models are introduced on a regular basis that have more bells and whistles than predecessors. The older models may have slightly less functionality, but they may be entirely functional for your needs. More than that, once new models are available, the older models are often available at a discounted price. A great example of this is cell phones. New models seem to come out on a yearly basis, if not more often. The new models may have slight benefits, such as a slightly longer battery life or better image quality in the on-board camera. However, in many cases, the older model may be $100 or more less than the new model. Which one is really the better deal? If you decide that you must have the latest model, consider waiting a few weeks to buy a gently used model when someone else who snatched it up initially has become disenchanted with it.

Watch and Wait

Even after you have planned for your purchase, saved money for the purchase and comparison shopped between older and newer models, take one additional step. Almost everything will go on sale at some point. In some cases, discounts are available via holiday sales or end of season sales. In other cases, you can find coupons and promo codes that can help you to save money on your purchase. There is rarely ever a reason to pay full price for an item, and you can save a lot of money over the course of time when you adopt the philosophy of never paying full price for anything.

Learning how to be a smart, frugal shopper can help you to save a considerable amount of money. By following these tips, you can save money on purchases without developing a reputation for being cheap.