Category: Financial Planning

What Is Business Interruption Insurance?

Commercial-InsuranceStandard business property insurance policies only cover the potential loss of physical assets experienced in the case of a natural disaster. Traditional policies do not cover any potential loss in profits, temporary relocation expenses, continued operating costs or other additional expenses that the business may incur while repairs are being made. This is where business interruption insurance comes in. Added as a rider onto an already existing property insurance policy, it helps businesses continue to operate optimally during the unforeseen whims of nature.

Good For Any Business

Any business that has the possibility of being stuck by a disaster can benefit from interruption insurance. Obviously those businesses based in areas more prone to nature’s influence, such as coastal areas, will be more likely to find this type of insurance necessary. Just because the business isn’t located in hurricane alley however, doesn’t mean that interruption insurance is useless. It can be used to mitigate the financial impact of severe snowstorms, tornadoes, floods, earthquakes or any other disasters that causes property damage. Obviously, the greater risk the business is at, the higher the policy costs will be.

Acquiring Interruption Insurance

The step when considering business interruption insurance is to determine what level of coverage the business requires. Generate a list of all disaster related expenses including:

  • Regular operating costs: This all includes items the business will still have to pay during the repair period, including payroll, rent, loan payments, etc. Utility expenses such as electricity are often not included as part of standard interruption insurance, so it may be necessary to ask about those provisions specifically.
  • Projections of lost profits: Gather a history of profits to make accurate projections, and if the business is growing be sure to include potential growth in these figures. Keeping hard copies of these records in another location is wise; not much would be worse than being unable to file a claim because financial records are unavailable.
  • Relocation expenses: It is likely that any disaster shutting down a business will render facilities at least temporarily unusable. Include costs for finding, outfitting, and moving equipment and personnel to a new location.

Ensuring the policy lasts enough to ensure a return to normal business is essential. Repairs oftentimes take longer than expected, and having cash-flow run out in the middle of them can potentially ruin a business. A good baseline to start from is six months, though that figure should be adjusted based on how much infrastructure the business has that may need repairing. Most policies don’t kick in until 48 hours after a disaster, so it is also important to have enough cash on hand to survive those first two days.

All About Stability

Business interruption insurance is intended to allow business to maintain financial stability as though a disaster had never occurred. These disasters are becoming more common, with a 50 percent increase in disaster frequency being reported by some insurance companies over the past few years. This increase makes it worth at least exploring the idea of business interruption insurance, whether it is a small local business or a large corporation.

Sarah works for Aor Insurances and writes all thier marketing material.

Grown Up Money Tips You Can Learn From Tom Hanks In The Film ‘Big’

money-treeDo you remember the 1988 comedy starring Tom Hanks as Josh Baskin; the 12 year old boy who wishes on an enchanted fairground fortune teller machine to be “big” and wakes up the next morning aged to an adult overnight? “Big” is the “13 going on 30” of the 80s and if you haven’t seen it, find yourself a copy and make some popcorn. Not only is this sweet and funny 80s comedy entertaining, it actually can teach you a lot about money management and success.

Here are a few of the lessons that this classic film has to offer:

You are Richer than You Think

While Josh is trapped in the body of a 30 year old man and is trying to figure out how to get back to his normal 12 year old self, he rents a room in New York City and finds himself a job at the MacMillan Toy Company.

There is a great scene where Josh receives his first pay check and when he opens it he loudly exclaims “A HUNDRED AND EIGHTY SEVEN DOLLARS?” Josh is obviously thrilled by this amount of money but Scotty, his cubicle neighbour, assumes that his surprise is negative and remarks “Yeah, they really screw you don’t they?”

Josh’s pay, calculated for inflation since 1988, is really only moderately higher than minimum wage. Scotty, the adult, sees this amount as practically worthless and not enough to get by on. However, from a kid’s perspective it is a fortune. It’s enough for Josh to pay his rent and treat himself and his best friend to pizza, snacks, soda and much more.

What this scene really shows us is the reality of lifestyle inflation. As we get older, we tend to continue to increase our lifestyle to match our pay with nicer clothes, cars, houses, etc. After we get our first raise, the money we lived happily on before is just not enough anymore. This means that we never really feel like we have enough extra money to save or do the things we want.

Think about this in your own life; have you inflated your lifestyle to match your earnings? What would a younger version of yourself think about how much you are earning and how much you are spending?

You’ll Earn More Money When You Love Your Job

After a while of working in his entry level job, Josh runs into the owner of the company Mr. MacMillan at the famous NYC toy shop FAO Schwarz (remember the iconic giant keyboard scene?). He impresses him with his extensive knowledge of current toys and his vibrant youthful enthusiasm, (which comes as no surprise, because he is a 12 year old after all). Mr. MacMillan offers him a promotion to the ultimate child’s dream job: Toy Tester.

Now Josh is getting paid a huge wage and he is able to move out of his dodgy flophouse and into a gorgeous apartment which he fills with a pinball machine, a trampoline and a Pepsi vending machine. His success brings incredible jealousy from his workmates, including ultra-competitive Paul Davenport.

But there is a reason why Josh gets the sweet high paying job and Paul doesn’t; it’s because Josh has a passion and a love for the business whereas Paul only wanted the promotion for the money. When you go into a career that you love and are passionate about, that will be naturally reflected in your performance. Your enthusiasm will make you great at what you do, which will increase your potential for success.

These are just a few lessons that we can learn from the classic 1980s comedy ‘Big’. Who knew a kid trapped in an adult’s body would have so much to teach us about money and success?

Sarah Fox is a finance blogger and huge 80s movie fan. She provides her readers with helpful tips for everything from finding payday loans online to balancing their family expenses.

The Advantages Of Plea Bargains

540733Aside from the obvious benefit of a reduced sentence, there are a number of benefits to accepting a plea bargain. Plea bargains often pose advantages to both sides, both the defense and prosecution. Time, money, and hassle are saved for both sides of the legal process. There are also several benefits the defendant should keep in mind when considering a plea bargain.

Faster Outcome

A criminal trial can be a long, expensive, and emotionally traumatic experience for a defendant. Plea bargains allow you to skip the extensive trial procedure and move right into the sentencing phase before a judge. You will know the outcome of the conviction much sooner than if you had to go through an entire trial, without needing to pay attorneys’ bills throughout the trial process.

Leave Jail

Defendants unable to get out on bail, whether bail was denied or is too expensive, will most likely need to stay in jail for the duration of the trial before being released or transferred to a prison. Once a plea is entered and accepted, you will be sentenced and moved out of the jail. Leaving jail could mean going home or starting a sentence in a prison. While prison may not seem like a good place to be, they are almost always better than jail.

Lesser Charges

A plea bargain often involves pleading guilty to offenses less serious than those you were charged with initially. The prosecution will reduce the charges, or remove some altogether, as a way of making the plea agreement more attractive to the defendant and increasing the chances of a fast conviction.

This is an especially important benefit of accepting a plea bargain if you are being charged with crimes that can be personally, socially, or professionally damaging. A lesser related offense can keep you from needing to continue feeling the negative effects of a conviction even after you have paid your debt to society.

Shorter Sentence

A plea bargain that results in you entering a guilty plea to lesser charges can also result in a shorter sentence. Not only are the required minimum sentences shorter for less serious crimes, many judges are more likely to show leniency to a defendant willing to accept responsibility and avoid a lengthy trial. A plea bargain can help you reduce the time you will need to serve.

The benefits of accepting a plea bargain affect your life in both the short and long terms. By accepting a plea bargain you can avoid the embarrassment of a trial and potentially shorter the sentence you will receive. Always consult with a lawyer before accepting a plea agreement.

Mike often writes articles to help explain the confusing criminal justice system. While he tries his best to explain the laws, he believes that hiring a criminal defense attorney is still the best way to go if in legal trouble.

Specific Finance Options Right For Me

understanding financeLet’s look at what options there are in the financial world and that will give you the foundation to leap from when asking yourself; “What finance Option is right for me?

Secured V’s Unsecured

When a loan is secured, it means that you are putting up a piece of property against the value of the loan. This means that should you fail to pay back this loan, the lender is entitled to claim that property as their own in forfeit or enforce the owner to sell the property and surrender the proceeds of the sale. A mortgage is the best known example of a secured loan type; second loans taken against the value of a home are often home improvement loans used to build extensions, modernise or renovate the property. Credit history affects your ability to acquire a Secured Loan.

An unsecured loan, often known as a personal loan, will often be for a much lower amount of money and the interest rate will be higher. It will also be paid off quicker and often with no penalties for early settlement, allowing the borrower to accrue little interest with astute financial management. No property is secured against the value of the loan so failure to pay will be pursued in the courts and through debt collection agencies. The red tape associated with this gives the borrower ample time to negotiate a method of payment to suit both parties. The amount of the loan and the payment plan is calculated on a current ability to pay back what is owed, projected income and expenditures; credit history is rarely important.

Guarantor Loans

A guarantor loan is a type of unsecured loan where a third party agrees to pay off part or all of the balance if the person taking out the loan is unable to meet the debt. They are also repayable over a shorter period of time and for similar amounts of money and interest rates as the unsecured loans above. They are particularly suitable for those with a poor credit history or none at all and therefore suitable for young people purchasing their first car for example. It is important that the guarantor has a good credit history, home owners are preferred and their ability to pay is just as important as the person taking out the loan. Failure to pay means that the guarantor becomes legally responsible for the debt.

Payday Loans

A very recent phenomenon, payday loans are designed to help in the very short term. If you are still a few days away from getting your wages but are in critical need of money and fast, the payday loan may suit you. Unsecured loans that are supposed to be paid back within days, they can help get you out of immediate difficulty but should not be used for long-term borrowing. As well as the above mentioned loans, as they are unsecured the legal implications for failure to pay are not as severe and credit history is not important, only the current ability to pay it back within the specified time. They can also be useful for the borrower in helping them to build a credit history and encourage good financial practice.

Now Your Interest is Perked

It is very important to understand that the types of loans discussed above will come with a wide range of interest rates. Ensure that you are taking out the right loan for you depending on your personal circumstances and what you are borrowing the money for. A payday loan for example will come with a jaw dropping high rate of interest because they are designed to be paid back within days; they are not a long term solution to financial need. Secured and unsecured loans are taken out over increasingly longer terms, usually counted in months with secured loans being the longest. Mortgages are the longest terms loans and counted in tens of years. With secured loans, the amount of money loaned is usually higher than an unsecured loan and often with a lower rate of interest. When considering taking out a loan of any kind, do take length of time and interest rates into consideration.

Stuart Edge went to university and like many others finished with considerable debts. Therefore he explored the idea of applying for loans to help him to pay it off quickly.

Debt Settlement: The Advantages And Disadvantages

debt settlementDebt Settlement

Debt can be really scary! You worry about creditor calls even when they aren’t calling. Wondering what you will say, how you will tell them that you lost your job, your income is not what it once was, or you simply got in over your head. You lose sleep and work and still don’t have a solution. This may be the time to consider debt settlement.

What is Debt Settlement?

This is a program offered by experts in finance and negotiations. When these services are contracted an experienced debt settlement professional will act on your behalf, call up your creditors and work at reducing your debt, your late fees and penalties to lower your total debt substantially. If you owe more than $10,000 then this is an option you should carefully consider.

How Does it Work?

In most cases, you are already in a debt collection situation and creditors are already contacting you and aren’t being very nice in their collection efforts. When you decide to contract debt consolidation services, the creditors stop calling and you stop making any payments you are currently making. Instead any payment you make is placed in a savings or escrow account set up by the debt settlement company. At that point they begin negotiating with your creditors and use the account funds to settle a certain amount of your debt. When these funds don’t cover the negotiated settlement amount then they work with you to get a loan to pay off all the creditors and leave you with the one loan payment.

 The Advantages

With debt settlement services you could satisfy your debt for far less than what you actually owe. It is not unheard of for a reliable debt settlement company like to reduce debt by as much as 50% to 60% and sometimes even more. This gives you the opportunity of becoming totally debt free within a 12 to 24 month period. Once the settlement is agreed upon and you fulfill your part of the deal these debts will no longer be subject to legal action or collection pursuits. Additionally, most people who undergo the process feel financial relief as their monthly debt payment is often reduced substantially, giving them more disposable income.

The Disadvantages

Debt solution is not a “get-out-of-jail free card”. There are consequences and one of these may affect your credit score negatively. For a while a debt settlement process could give you a negative mark on your credit history. Still, this negative hit is not as dire or as far-reaching as that of bankruptcy. Additionally the forgiven amount of the debt will be reported on your credit score. Even so, by following your credit consolidation agent’s advice you can turn this negative mark around and pull your credit score back up.

Still a Solution

Even with the disadvantages debt settlement can be a good option when your credit bills are out of hand and you can barely make the minimum payments – never seeming to get ahead. Just make sure the debt settlement service you choose works in your best interest and helps you get fair offers you can actually pay. Once creditors agree to your offer get letters in writing that the account is settled and keep these in a safe location. You never know when you have to prove these as having been settled.

Jonathon Blocker is an expert on information regarding legal matters. Jon searches online for debt settlement to find firms that offer legal advice and assistance.