Category: Financial Planning

Tips To Consider Before Securing Car Loans

car loanBefore you append your signature on any paper so as to secure car loans, consider the following tips so as to avoid any regrets;

Term length of the car loan

Before engaging in any serious negotiations to secure car loans, know what you can happily pay on monthly installment. Never forget to calculate the repayment period. The time frame should not be compromised by the interest rate charged. Some dealers could stretch the term length to an extent that by the fourth year of the loan payment, you will realize that you are servicing a car loan for a car that no longer impresses you.

Interest rate on the car loan

Consider checking out for the best lender charging a reasonable interest rate. Remember even if you are bankrupt doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to accept loan from a non trusted creditor who offers a high interest rate. There are companies who are ready to work with you on securing a manageable  car loan and at the same time help you improve on your credit history once a gain. Convince the company that you are serious on getting out of the bad credit trap. The first thing you can try out is to visit your bank as there are likely to offer low rate to their customers.

Large deposit

When applying for a loan putt down a large down payment on the vehicle. This will be a good indicator that you are committed to paying off the balance. Moreover a large deposit will relieve you of a higher monthly installment. To further cut down the possibility of future regrets, have a fixed figure on your mind on how much you would want to spend on the car and stick to it. Do not be swayed into any deal that will ensures that you can hardly secure a meal and other basic needs afterwards.

Break down the details of the transaction of the car loan

To avoid the risk of any confusion, make sure that the car dealer breaks down the deal into under stable details for example the car price, the financing terms and the trade in value of the vehicle you want to buy. Understand each part before rushing to make a decision.

Check for mistakes on your credit report

Check for any small errors on your credit report. For example any account that had been closed down but is still being reflected on your credit report as open must be corrected. You can easily be considered a bad debtor or high risk borrower on these small grounds. It is therefore wise to get a copy of your credit report so as to correct these anomalies which might stand in you way.

How To Prepare For A Debt Consultation

Drowning in debtDo you feel like your drowning in debt? If you answered yes, one of the most effective ways to get to the root of the problem is seek the guidance of a debt counselor. It is very difficult to look at your spending with an open mind when you are trying to take control of the spending and the debt without an unbiased professional’s help. The first step identifying where the problem lies is to schedule a debt consultation. During your appointment, an experienced debt counselor will help you come up with a plan to tackle your debt, but you must be prepared if you want the appointment to go right.

How to Prepare for Your Upcoming Debt Consultation

When you are being counseled about your debt, the counselor will give you personalized advice that is tailored to help guide you out of your current situation. To give you advice, the counselor needs to know exactly how much pay you take home, how much all of your living expenses cost, and how much you owe all of your creditors. Only you know who you owe money to and how serious your situation has become. While it is only natural to try and downplay the situation in your own mind, you should never try and downplay your debt to your counselor. Here are some things you can do to prepare for your consultation so that you have everything you need to come up with a feasible debt reduction plan:

  • Do not accept any new credit card offers or loans. The key is to stop digging yourself into debt, and taking out new lines of credit will not help the situation.
  • Gather documentation that the counselor will need to review your current situation. These documents may include: billing statements, past due invoices, recent receipts, judgments, all letters from your creditors, titles to your cars, property deeds, and credit card statements. If you do not have any of these on hand, access your accounts online and print the account summary page.
  • If you love to make work easier for everyone involved, make a list of all of the credit cards you have. In the spreadsheet, you can put the current account balance and credit limit. This will help your counselor see which cards need to be tackled first to repair your credit.
  • Bring pay stubs from the last two pay periods. If your income varies, try bringing at least three months worth of cancelled checks. This will help the counselor assess how much you are taking home and what percentage of your income can be used to payoff debt.

Debt counselors can help you choose the best debt relief option for your situation. What is right for one person may not be right for the next. Bring everything that you need to help your counselor assess your situation. With all of the right documentation and the right mindset, you can pay your debt down and put your mind at ease.

This post was provided by Heather Graham, a personal finance expert. He recommends the consumers proposal process for those facing dept problems. André Gabbay et Associés Inc. can help with debt consulations.

When To Choose The Path Of Finance

index_moneykidsIf you are feeling a bit overwhelmed these days, you are not alone. Many families are finding that they do not have the same quality of life as they had just a few years ago. With everything costing more than ever before living within your means can present quite a challenge for even the most organised individual. It is getting harder than ever to pay your monthly bills without dipping into your emergency funds. So what do you do when you have depleted your emergency fund and there is nowhere else to go for a bill that is due?

To Cover Unexpected Expenses

Unfortunately, there are no easy answers or quick fixes here. You simply have to reduce your debt and change your life style. While this may sound easy it takes time. There are some things that you can do for the future to ensure that you are better prepared but this takes time. If you have an unexpected expense or a bill that must be paid and you do not have the funds to pay it there is a place to go for a temporary fix to the problem. A payday loan will give you the funds you need so that your payment is made.

The loans are short term and the requirements for the loan are simple. You must have a steady job and a bank account. The repayment is short term so you will not have the loan over an extended period creating yet another monthly payment. There is also no penalty if you are able to pay the loan off sooner than is required. In fact, you will actually save interest by doing so.

Helps to Bridge the Gaps

Ultimately your goal should be to get yourself back on track and establish a budget that works for you. Refraining from wanted items until you reduce your debt to a comfortable level will help you to achieve peace of mind. Now more than ever before you want to ensure a brighter future. While these are difficult times in front of us you can still enjoy life by revamping your old habits. In the meantime, a payday loan will help you to stay on track by not reducing your income for that unforeseen expense. The short term loan will allow you to live as you have while reworking your budget to fit the times. Since these loans are short term you will only have the payment for a few months instead of a bank loan that generally require a two year term. Unlike the bank loan there is no penalty for early repayment allowing you to pay the loan off sooner rather than later.

Designed for Hardworking Folks

Payday loans are designed to help a person who otherwise would not need them. These are hardworking people who have a steady job and find themselves in need for the first time. With nearly everyone you know going through the same crisis it is not easy to turn to a family member as you once might have. Your friends and family are experiencing the same restrictions on abundant spending. With that in mind payday loans are the one place you can go to in order to get the help you need in an emergency.

Most people are not looking for a hand out and there is no shame in asking for help if you truly need it. So long as you understand that you need to prepare for the future. Times being what they are you need to get serious about your spending habits and create a budget that works for you. A payday loan should never be abused or used as a way of gaining cash to spend care-free. If used properly these short term loans can actually be the temporary solution to your problem. They can get you over the hurdle and provide you with a means to recover. You must however have the means to repay the loan. If you are already seriously behind in all your bills you may need to seek help elsewhere.  The loans are not a way out of trouble they are a way to avoid trouble. For the person who otherwise would not need one.

Paula Whately is a debt counsellor who advises on the best ways to get you out of debt. Short term loans may be an option if you are in a pinch. 

Insurance Industry Must Bring Climate Issues To The Fore

insurance-industry-newsThe insurance industry is footing an ever increasing bill for the devastation being caused to thousands of homes and vehicles across the UK as a result of climate change. The huge rise in payouts over the past decade or so for risks such as floods could render the insurance industry unsustainable if the current trends continue.

The insurance industry is being urged by the Chartered Insurance Institute (CII) to step up their efforts to engage the government and policymakers on the issue and increase awareness of the dangers climate change poses. It is feared that without swift action insurers will be unable to offer cover to residents in high risk areas of the UK as well as oversees.

The CII recently published the third in their series of reports looking closely at the impact climate change is having on the insurance industry. The report put forward three visions of the future, devised by leading climate change and insurance experts, and the risks each posed for insurers and society as a whole.

Best case scenario

This favourable scenario looks at the future in a world that has managed to harness renewable sources of energy effectively and successfully minimise the amount of green house gases produced by the burning of fossil fuels. Governments across the world have been able to develop infrastructure sufficiently to ensure there are early warning systems in place to allow them to counter any climate risks without the destructive consequences such events bring today. In this scenario insurers encourage the development of sustainable practices by incentivising their customers financially.

The middle ground

In much the way the insurance industry is headed at present, this scenario bases its premise on a limited endeavour to introduce sustainable practices and sporadic efforts by governments to increase the use of renewable energy sources. In this scenario the insurance industry would be left with little choice but to withdraw cover from high risk locations prone to extreme weather conditions.

Worst case scenario

In this scenario only very little effort is made to increase the use of renewable energy sources. This would push the climate of the earth beyond the point of redemption, whereby efforts to increase sustainability in the future would be essential, but their implementation would be extremely costly and would only have limited success. The insurance industry would be unable to meet the costs of such an increasingly turbulent natural environment, with freak weather events and localised devastation becoming commonplace.

Although these scenarios are future predictions and far from definitive, they have been created based on detailed analysis of current and historical trends. The consequences of neglecting to act now and allowing our climate to become increasingly tempestuous are clearly severe, and potentially irreversible.

Claire White is an employee of ConstructaQuote, one of the UK’s leading insurance comparison sites, working with some of the UK’s leading insurers to find businesses and private customers alike great prices on a wide range of insurance products .

5 Facts About Credit Repair From The FTC

The economy over the past few years hit millions of consumers hard and as a result, many are trying to fix the damage that was done to their credit reports. Without a good credit score, it can be nearly impossible to rent an apartment, get a checking account or even find a job.

Before you agree to work with any credit repair agency, there are five facts that you need to know.

Do Your Research on Credit Repair Firms

Be wary of any credit repair company that solicits you, whether it’s through email, direct mail or by phone. This is a multi-million dollar industry and unfortunately, you can’t automatically give a company your trust simply because they sound legit.

credit repair

It is vital to do your own research on a credit repair firm before proceeding. First and foremost, you should never have to pay for this service until the promised work has been done. Avoid any company that requires you to make an upfront payment in order to “fix” your credit. Even if they claim they will be incurring expenses on your behalf in order to contact your bill collectors and the credit bureaus, you don’t have to pay anything before they do the work. In fact, the Credit Repair Organization Act has made it illegal for these companies to charge you in advance.

Another red flag to look for is a credit repair company that encourages you not to contact the three main credit bureaus, Experian, Equifax and Transunion. Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act, you, the consumer, have every right to contact the bureaus and dispute any information that may be invalid.

Understand Your Rights

Before you work with a credit repair agency, it is vital to fully understand your rights as a consumer. The Fair Credit Reporting Act and the Credit Repair Organization Act both contain information that you need to know in order to protect yourself, both from debt collectors and from shady credit repair companies.

The CROA states that credit repair agencies must provide you, in writing, your legal rights and how they will go about repairing your credit, the amount of time they estimate it will take to accomplish this, and how much you will have to pay to complete the work. Any guarantees they make must be made in writing.

Promises They Can’t Keep

If a credit repair agency tells you that they can remove all of the negative information from your credit report, this tells you that they are not being honest with you. Only negative information on your report that is invalid can be removed. Even if you pay off your debt, the entry will remain on your credit report for a period of up to 10 years.

The dispute process provided by the three main credit bureaus is designed to ensure that all of the information on your credit report is accurate, whether or not it is positive or negative to you. You cannot dispute a debt that is legally yours and have it removed from your credit report. If this was true, no one would have any negative entries on their credit reports.

Creating a “New” Identity

Another common “promise” you may run into with some credit repair agencies is that you can create an entirely new credit identity and you won’t have to worry about your past mistakes. This is completely false and fraudulent and you may end up facing prosecution as a result of this tactic.

If a credit repair agency urges you to apply for an Employer Identification Number (EIN) or encourages you to falsely claim identity theft in order to get a new social security number, this is your best indication that you are dealing with a scam artist. Unfortunately, many consumers find this out the hard way, after they are already in legal problems due to lying on loan applications or misrepresenting their social security number.

Understand Your Options

Don’t get disheartened. Just because there are a lot of wolves in sheep’s clothing doesn’t mean that all credit repair options are bad. There are reputable credit counselors out there who can assist you in legally repairing your credit and getting your life back on track.

The author who contributed this article is Chase Sagum, Financial and Business blogger. Check out more of his content at