Category: Financial Planning

Feel Financial Stability at Every Age

New Financial StabilityMost of us complain about the constant lack of money for various reasons – small salary or continuous expenses that have already tortured us. In fact, it is quite realistic to prevent those expenses and become financially stable and independent. It is only a matter of time and your wishes. At every age, whether you are young or old, you should remember that the earlier you start to think about financial stability and savings the more confidence in future you will have. So, let’s see what we can do for this from our early 20s to the time of retirement.

Youth without debt

When being young and beautiful we do not consider us to be already grown up but we are willing to make something meaningful for society. It is often occurs that our deeds do not succeed and we make many mistakes. Indeed, financial responsibilities are wide opened for us and we should already think about contribution to our retirement. Small amount of money saved monthly will help to feel stability and consider plans for future as it is a definite time to find an appropriate job.

The next thing that we need to think about except work is credit cards repayment. We should remember that our 20s is not the age to build up debt. Applying for credit cards or even for school loans we have to be sure in our ability to repay all money in time or even in advance. We do not need debts in such an early age.

More responsibilities need more expenses

The most appropriate age to obtain more life responsibilities is 30s. At this age we have more income, create our own family and even may think about our ability to purchase a good house (often with the help of mortgage). This will be a good age for those who refused to obtain debt when they were 20 years old. By the way, our contribution into retirement should be raised.

The right time to invest

The best time for savings and investment comes with our 40s. At this age we have a good job to provide your family with all needs and the age for more expenses. We can easy go wrong being not careful with everything that concerns money. We should save more, invest more and also pay more attention to retirement planning to be sure that it is all right.

Everything goes right in your 50s

When you are fifty everything has to be under control. You have made the needed sum of money and now it works on you. Even often expenses will not prevent your financial stability. Pay off your mortgage and continue retirement funding.

Time for retirement

Depending on when you wish to retire, all plans should be done – the debt is repaid and the needed sum of money is already saved. Then you will see that all your efforts were not in vain.

When creating and following plans for retirement you should understand that complaining on the money need will not bring success in your life. So, get rid of bad thoughts and start to think about your financial stability.

Diana is an accomplished financial consultant writing about socio-economic problems as well as legal and financial articles on debt, bankruptcy, fast loans online, stock market, credit card, personal injury on various websites. She has been writing for the last 5 years.

10 Tips for More Successful Retirement Planning

Retirement planningPlanning a retirement lifestyle is one of the single-most rewarding aspects of working hard all your life. However, this planning is oftentimes wrought with worry, because many people do not understand how to do this successfully so they can live out the best years of their lives in comfort.

From how and where you will reside to how you will care for personal health and end of life decisions, the decisions you make now are critical to successful retirement planning. Here are some helpful tips to help guide you on this journey.

1. Start a retirement fund now. You may have a few years until retirement age, or you may just be starting to think about a retirement plan. Whatever the case may be for you, experts advise planning your retirement with an investment strategy as soon as you can. The sooner you can start to put away money, the more you will have accrued in savings and interest by the time you are ready to retire.

2. Focus on living frugally. The trouble with retirement planning is that some people fall into the trap of trying to get too much stuff early life, which only leads to long term debt. Spending your life paying off debt interest takes away from your ability to dream about the future. Living frugally now pays off later on.

3. Make your “bucket list”. It’s time to start thinking about all the things you’ve always wanted to experience in life. If you’ve put off traveling or taking up a hobby of some sort, now is the time to include this into your retirement planning. This gives you a measurable goal that will keep you on track.

4. Choose affordable living arrangements. Whether you plan to own your home in a few short years, or you want to move in with family; the decisions you make now should include your life needs as a retiree. You may realize that a large house will be too much to manage in your older years, or you may want to have a community of others in your age group as you advance in life.

5. Research services and support for retired people. A portion of your retirement fund will be spent on your personal care and health concerns as an older person. Be sure to plan for these aspects as you put your retirement plan together, considering the advantages of long term care insurance and retirement assisted living communities.

6. Get your will and legal affairs in order. As soon as you are able to, have a personal will drawn up and kept with your lawyer’s office. Let your children or siblings know where to find this information, and assign a power of attorney who can handle things for you if you become ill or incapacitated at any time.

7. Set aside tax free dollars. Being smart with your retirement savings also means investing in the next generation, while enjoying a nice tax shelter. While you can only put a certain amount into your 401k and IRAs each year, you can also put tax free money into 529 plans for your nieces, nephews and grandkids who plan to go to college.

8. Start a second-life career. Most people who retire often want to remain active in other things than leisure living. Consider your talents and experience, and develop a flexible and enjoyable second career path. Perhaps going back to finish your college degree, or starting a home-based business is in order.

9. Work with a retirement investment planner. Getting the most from your retirement often requires the support and guidance of an expert. Periodically review your investment portfolio with a trusted and qualified retirement professional.

10. Pay down debts and reduce overhead. Once you near retirement, consider that you will soon be living on a limited income. Therefore, you want to get your debts paid down as much as possible. Eliminate the burdens of too much property by selling now.

Retirement is a time to celebrate. You can be better prepared and enter this exciting time of your life by planning ahead and reaching your retirement goals in style.

Julia Dennis writes about Eco Friendly Senior living facilities and other assisted living topics for Friendship Village. When she’s not writing she enjoys running and spending time with her children.

Swamped With Statements? A Five Step Guide for Controlling Credit Card Debt

credit card debtYou can’t deal with another credit card bill, you feel stressed when you check your bank balance, and the word “interest” makes you flinch in any context. Chances are good you’re suffering from credit card debt! Thanks to the ease with which most of us can get credit cards and the temptation of what seems like free money, there are a lot of people in your shoes, but many more have managed to control and eliminate credit card debt, too.

No five-step program can address all situations, so don’t take every step in this program as law, but chances are good some of these steps might help you get to a debt-free life once again.

1. Tally up your debt and your assets.

It seems like both the most boring step and the most frustrating, but before you begin to get out of debt, you need to know exactly how far you are in the hole. Without an idea of what you have and what you owe, you’ll stagnate and you won’t have the motivation to keep making progress on your credit card bills.

First, gather all your bills. If you have debt on multiple credit cards, gather statements so you know exactly how much you owe on each card. Don’t know how much you have in the way of assets? Sign into your online banking account or visit your bank to get a tally of your finances, if you have anything invested or saved up.

Create a neat inventory that lists everything you owe, and to whom. Also, make a note of the interest rate on each credit card, as this will affect the order in which you pay down your debts. Try not to feel intimidated by the final number, whatever it is. You will figure out a way to control it and pay it down.

2. Create a budget.

If tallying it up wasn’t bad enough, you have to create a budget now? Don’t worry! It’s much simpler than it looks, and budgeting will help you get out of this mess much faster. You’ll also be able to avoid getting into debt in the future.

Despite the fact that budgeting seems like it will make you more stressed about your finances and able to relax less, the opposite is actually true. When you know how much you have to spend, you won’t have that nagging worry in the back of your mind that tells you this is a bad idea. You can spend guilt-free and not suffer negative consequences like you’re feeling now.

Create basic categories for each area of spending, including rent, utilities, tuition (if any), transportation (gas and auto maintenance), and so on. Downloading a basic budgeting software application will help you figure out these categories to start with, and you can later create your own based on your spending patterns.

Then, make a list of your regular expenses. If you know you will spend a fixed amount on rent, you can write that down. If you spend about the same amount each month on your electricity, write down a ballpark figure and round it up a bit to cover higher bills. Do the same for your income, averaging your last three to six months’ income if you make an inconsistent income (as a freelancer, for example).

When all is said and done, you should have a rough monthly figure of how much you spend and earn. You’ll already have spotted any problems that exist – more money spent on shopping trips than rent, for example. Again, don’t stress if the numbers are higher or lower than you wanted them to be. Frugal living advice will help you prune your expenses, and you can look at other sources of income.

3. Plan your debt repayments.

If you have more than one source of debt – credit cards, student loans, a mortgage, etc – you will have to prioritize your debt repayments. There are two main methods of doing this: by interest rate or by amount owed. If you are motivated by quick results, the snowball method is best; if you prefer to get the debt paid off more efficiently without wasting money on interest, the interest method is for you.

The snowball method works like this: arrange your debts in order from the smallest amount to largest. You’ll pay off the smallest debt first, then the next largest, and so on until you finally tackle the largest amount. By that time, you’ll have the motivation to really work on your last remaining debt.

The interest method is smarter money-wise, but it takes a lot more persistence and patience. Be honest with yourself – will you stick to it when it seems like you aren’t making much progress? If you choose this method, you’ll arrange your debts by the interest rate you’re currently paying on them and you’ll work on the highest interest rate first. The money you save on interest and payments will then help you pay off the next-highest rate, and so on.

4. Slash your expenses.

In order to pay down your credit card debt, you’re going to be putting aside as much money as you can! This means you should stop using your credit cards and pay only with cash from now until you’re out of the red. Be gentle, yet firm with yourself about it. If it helps, use the envelope system or take out a fixed amount each month, and set up your bank account to automatically withdraw the rest of your paycheck and transfer it to your credit card.

When you created your budget, did you honestly record about how much you spend each month, or did you round down the numbers to attempt to get yourself to improve? If you rounded everything down drastically, it’s going to take a lot more effort to pay off your debt, but you absolutely can do it.

Look at what’s essential – food, utilities, and so on – and what isn’t. Allow yourself one category in which you won’t cut down your spending. It might be going out for movies, restaurant meals, shopping for clothes, or books. This doesn’t mean you’re allowed to spend all the extra money you’ll have on it, but it ensures that you won’t be sacrificing everything fun for the sake of your future financial health. Everything else should be cut by a small amount – try ten percent.

5. Control your spending until your debt disappears.

As you go about your daily shopping, keep a small notebook with you. Write down everything that you buy, and don’t let yourself slack! Alternatively, you can keep your receipts and enter them in your budgeting program later, but don’t let this be an excuse to avoid thinking about your spending. The point is to consciously think about every decision you make to buy something.

If you want to get your credit card debt under control, relentlessly stick to your budget. Each time you exceed your budget, consider whether you were overspending for an impulse buy that you didn’t really need, or whether you need to allocate more money in your budget to this category. You will inevitably find things you can cut way back on, and things that you will have to loosen up a bit on.

Perhaps you find yourself tempted to buy things on a daily basis, and it’s hard for you to keep that long-term goal in mind. That’s true of everyone, and that’s often how we get into credit card debt in the first place! Keep a small Post-It note on your credit card. It doesn’t even have to say anything, but you want to, write on it your main reason for paying down your debt: freedom, your child’s name, etc.

The process of paying down your debt won’t be easy, but it is one of the most satisfying and liberating things you can ever do. You’ll find out more about your interests and what really matters to you, you’ll learn how to set goals and achieve them even when it seems impossible, and you’ll clear your credit record so that you can achieve any financial goals you’re now free to pursue!

Sam Jones, the author, had to use credit card consolidation after failing to manage his credit cards effectively.

Saving Money Through Efficiency

Energy efficiency won’t just help save the environment – it can also aid your business.

Not only can it help change any wasteful attitudes of employees but it can also have tangible benefits on the profit margin of your company.

And it has never been more important to save money. The last few years of economic uncertainty has left countless businesses in Britain and around the world struggling to survive – but the evidence is there that energy efficiency can help achieve this. For example, Volvo’s New River Valley Plant in Virginia, the world’s largest truck manufacturer, invested around £550,000 in saving energy prior to the recession and has now saved £1.31 million on their bills and avoided having to fire any staff.

Whether you are adopting an nPower business plan to reduce costs or are simply looking to do your bit for the environment, read on to find out why investing in energy efficiency is the right choice for your company.

No longer hostage to price rises

Like death and taxes, increases in energy prices are all but guaranteed in the future. However by improving your efficiency and thereby reducing your usage, you will help mitigate the damage of price hikes further down the line.

Eco-market is booming

A company can’t buy the kind of positive publicity green policies can drum up for your business. Taking action to reduce your carbon footprint will not only make your company appear socially responsible but could also attract investment from previously untapped markets.

Additionally, investing in energy efficiency can set you apart from the pack and help foster a sense of economy amongst your workforce.

Safe as houses

Investing in energy efficiency is one of the few times in life when you know roughly what benefits your money will generate for you. Unlike turbulent stock markets or frugal bank accounts, saving money through more effective energy use is simple maths. If you use less energy at the same rate then ultimately you will lower your monthly costs – a winning situation in anyone’s books.

More profits, more investments

Improved energy efficiency can help reduce the weight power costs can have on your company’s finances, ultimately allowing you to invest in growing your business rather than only paying your existing bills. This will not only help your competitiveness but could allow you to further invest in green technology, creating a self-fulfilling reduction in energy costs.


Replacing office equipment can drain valuable resources. Investing in more energy efficient technology, even if it is initially more expensive, will usually be worth it in the long term. Green technology is improving every year, with the Energy Star rating system ( the simplest way to find the best equipment for you. Finally, energy efficient equipment is often more durable than existing office items, thereby helping to reduce maintenance and future purchase costs.

What have you done to make your business more energy efficient?

Mikael Johansen is a blogger and freelance writer working with a variety of brands. This post has been written for an energy supplier npower. 

Are You Planning To Buy A Boat? Think About Boat Finance

Boat FinanceTravelling by sea has evolved from being a means of getting from one land mass to another to become vehicles of leisure and travelling. Buying a boat is expensive and can take you a long time before you save enough. There are many financing options that can provide you with boat finance but you need to consider some things before picking on a lender who will give you a loan at the best rates and terms.

Do Some Research

Before you go for boat finance, you need to know how much money you will need. To do this, you need to know how much the boat you desire costs and how much you have saved so far. You can easily go online and research about the different types of boats and the asking price. Decide whether you want a new boat or a second hand one.

Many public and private companies out there will extend loans to at an interest. Each institution has its own rates and repayment terms that you need to find out and compare. Having an idea of what each lender provides is important because you will get to enjoy the best deal. The interest you pay on the initial amount will depend with the period of the loan, type of boat you are planning to buy, your credit status, collateral and more.

Nowadays financing institutions provide 24-hour customer support. If you feel that you need more information on a given product, you can access the helpline at any time of day and night, making it convenient for you. Ask the representative to give you more information about the advantages and disadvantages of various packages and whether the loan rate is static or it changes with time.

Come Up With an Estimate

Using the online loan finance repayment calculator, you can come up with the total amount of money you need to pay back. This is determined by the amount borrowed, the repayment period and the rate of interest. Calculation is easy because it can be done online at the click of a button.

Know Your Financial Status

The most important thing you need to keep in mind when looking for boat finance is your financial status. The lending organization will look into your repayment history to find out whether they can trust you with their cash. Having a source of income or a stable job gives you an upper hand. Take out a loan that will meet your requirements as well as allow you to repay the loan and interest without draining your earnings.

From this discussion, it is now clear that applying for boat finance needs to be done with careful preparation in order to get the best deal. Make sure you get a company that is trustworthy and has a good reputation.