Category: Financial Planning

Why Flipping Houses Is A Good Business Opportunity

flipping house for financePeople who flip houses sometimes have a bad reputation because the work that they do necessitates that they be rather ruthless. To buy a house and quickly try to renovate it so that it can be sold for a profit is not an easy job at all, not least because so many factors in the success or failure of the enterprise are out of the person’s control. For instance, if someone was to buy a house and start pouring money into it to get it to the point that it is marketable and then the economy started to suffer, that person could potentially lose lots of money. It is not just shifts in the country’s economic well-being that can be a factor though. There is so much paperwork and legal fees that have to be processed to buy and then sell a house. Also, sourcing all of the materials and redesigning an entire house is something that some people spend years doing (although with the intention of creating a home rather than a profit). If you flip houses, you have to do it all much quicker. However difficult it may be, here are a few reasons why it is a great way to make money and something that you may want to consider doing:

It is not always the case that shifts in the economy are necessarily going to work against you. While it may seem rather callous, property foreclosures offer a good business opportunity. If you can buy a house as cheaply as possible, that gives you a greater chance of making a profit. Another good thing about the recent financial crisis was that it has lowered mortgage interest rates. This means that more people will want to take out mortgages, which means that there will be more potential buyers. Besides, the market is good right now. There are lots of people who are thinking ‘I want to sell my house fast’, a fact demonstrated by 5.71 million existing homes being sold last month, up from 5.47 million in February of this year. You always have to be aware of the rate of inflation, but right now is the best time to buy, renovate and sell houses in several decades.

Do not let anyone tell you that it is easy though. The sweat equity of flipping houses plays a big part in your final profits. If you do lots of the work on the property yourself, you can cut down on costs, but if you do not have the time or the skills and choose instead to hire outside labor, you can quickly see your future profits disappear. If you are not as handy with a tool belt as you’d like to be, you should consider trying to find contractors with whom you can negotiate a deal. If they work for a lesser rate, you could perhaps guarantee them work for several years.

Finally, to make money flipping houses, you have to be patient. Do not buy a house unless you are confident that it is the perfect one. Do not accept the first quotes that you receive from contractors and do not try to sell the place as soon as it is finished. Timing is everything.

Student Loans, Saving, And You

loan burden for studentsUniversity is the obvious choice if you want to go into further education. It’s a chilled out place where you can learn the skills needed to succeed in later life. Plus, it also teaches you how to be an adult, when you’re not drinking and partying of course. Unfortunately, college isn’t always one big picnic. Getting there in the first place can be tricky because the costs are so high. And, if you want to be accepted, you will need to stump up the cash. It might seem retro, but saving can be the difference between a college education and an early foray into adult life.

Here are tips that can help you save enough to go to university.

Start Early

Being a kid is great because you have no responsibility. You can do whatever you like and let the adults deal with the pressures of life. Although it’s enjoyable way to go through your teenage years, it also has its flaws. The reason for this is that it pushes you to rely on other people. Of course, your parents want to help you go to college. But, the circumstances might dictate a different course of action. If you’re ready to take some responsibility, you can start saving as early as possible to prepare financially for university. So, put aside any money that comes your way for a rainy day.

Ask Your Parents

Even if you start saving early on, you’re still a kid. And, your parents have an obligation to help you achieve your dreams. That’s why there is nothing wrong with asking them to contribute to your savings. It might not be enough to stop you from securing a loan, but every little helps. The less you have to pay back once you graduate, the more money you can keep for yourself. Don’t badger them into putting money away every week because there is no need. Just tell them that you want to go to college and it would be nice if they could contribute. They’ll get the message.

Get The Right Loan

No matter how much you save, you might need a loan to help with your tuition. Obviously, you’d rather not have one, but needs must. Before you pick any old loan, make sure you think about the different variables. Some loans, for instance, have a grace period which makes them more attractive to lower income earners. Others are liable for a department of education loan forgiveness scheme that writes off some of the debt. These are features which a student like you can use to your advantage. But, it’s only possible if you think about it beforehand.

Get A Job

Without any revenue, you won’t be able to save in the first place. Sorry to say it, but you’re going to need a job. It won’t be nice, and it won’t be pretty, but it will serve a purpose. A weekend job is enough to make a dent in the savings department, especially if it’s over a few years. Plus, you need to concentrate on your studies to get into university.

You can’t do that if you’re always at work!

Clearing Debt Fast

clearing your debtsIf you’re in over your head with debt, you may be desperately seeking ways to get rid of it. Debt can hang over you like a black cloud about to strike you with lightning, but there are ways out. The first rule when it comes to clearing any sort of debt is to tackle it head on instead of avoiding it. Avoiding things like debt will just make the situation worse. So, how do you clear debt fast?

Plan It

Before you put any plan into action, you need to sit down and figure out where to start. What debt do you have? What are the interest rates on your Credit 24 loans and credit cards? Lay it all out in front of you, even if facing it makes you feel anxious. Common sense would tell you to pay a little towards each one every month, but it’s best to tackle the debt with the highest interest rate first. That’s not to say you should completely ignore the others, but if you can put more money towards the one with the highest interest rate, your payment per month should significantly decrease over time.

Transfer Your Balance

When you got your loans or credit cards, you may have been in a position where you had no choice but to go for higher interest rates because they were the only ones that would accept you. By transferring your balance to a loan or card with a lower interest rate or a 0% interest rate for a certain amount of time card, you’ll have the chance to catch up on payments.

Prioritize Payments

You shouldn’t take money that supposed to go towards your mortgage to pay a credit card. There are ways you can save money but you must prioritise your payments. Sort out the needs from the wants. For example, paying your electricity bill is a top priority, but paying for games on your Xbox is something you can cut back on. Here’s a list of other cut backs you can make to save money. The money you save can go towards paying your debt so don’t be tempted to use it on things you want.

Stop Using Credit Cards

There’s no point in working hard to pay off your debt if you’re still spending at the same time. It can be a habitat and an addiction when it comes to spending. So, if you don’t trust yourself with your card, ask a family member or friend that you trust to keep it for you. If you know you’re likely to spend again and end up in the same situation, maybe it’s time to give the card the chop.

The main thing to do when it comes to clearing debt is to not bury your head in the sand. If you need help, ask for it. There are many places you can get advice and it helps you to feel like you’re not alone. Just by reading this, you’re already on the right track. Good luck!

Low-Cost Investments to Start Making Money From Home

investment for online businessOne of the most popular ways to secure financial freedom in this current generation is to establish multiple streams of income. It could be from multiple jobs, a personal business or even investments. With job security an ever-growing problem for people all over the world, it seems like the most secure living you can get these days is to invest in the internet and work from home. Not only does working from home bypass the minimum wage that is set in your country, you also guarantee a wide range of clientele and the ability to work with people all over the world.

But most home-based investments require a lot of money. Trading stocks, starting up a business or investing in a company takes a lot of cash to start, making it a difficult option for someone who’s climbing out of debt but still wants to secure a comfortable future financially. In order to give you a hand, here are a couple of low-cost investments to get you started with making money from home.

Low-Risk Investments

When investments are concerned, we often think about expensive high-risk purchases like stocks, foreign currencies and even property. However, among all of the investments that people can make in life, there are some low-risk ones that have a very small chance of making you bankrupt. For instance, you can learn how to trade penny stocks online as a way to practice stock trading and you could invest in land purchases instead of entire properties. There are many low-risk investment options available to you as long as you do your research and look at the stability of a market instead of the potential gains.

Penny shares are, as the name implies, very low in price, meaning you can trade them freely without much consequence. However, don’t expect to turn $10 into $1,000 in a single week, and don’t even expect to make money within the first week of getting started. It’s a gradual and slow process, but that’s the nature of low-risk investments.

For property investments, you typically have a lot of factors involved when developing a property to be sold such as the location, target audience and so on. However, when it comes to investing in land, not only is the price a lot lower because you’re factoring out the development costs, it also doesn’t have a defined use, making it a versatile purchase for your buyers.

Starting a Content-Focused Business

A business could mean anything from a YouTube channel to a small company. However, the cheaper options here are definitely content-focused, such as a video channel, news website or a blog. You can monetize most of your content with the help of advertising services, but if you’re feeling brave then you can always upgrade to affiliate programs or even offering a product.

For instance, if you have a popular blog about the history of candy, then you could compile all of your material and blogs into a book to be sold. Ebooks are a natural transition for blog owners due to the content being relatively similar. All you need to learn is how to publish your own eBook and then advertise it to your viewers, social media and so on.

Got A Big Payment On Your Hands? Here’s How You Can Easily Afford It

bills to payThere always comes a time when all of us could do with a little extra cash. The unexpected payout can sometimes be launched on us as a result of something beyond our control – a sudden illness or a car crash, for example. Or, it could be the case that you have something to pay off (like a vacation) and it has just dawned on you that you may not have the money together in time. Whichever situation is relevant to you, there’s no denying that having a large bill weighing on your shoulders can be extremely stressful. Your focus should, therefore, be on being as thrifty as possible to get the money together in time – but what do you do when time itself is against you? Here are a few ways you can save and make money quickly so you can afford that big payout with no questions asked.

Cut out everything you don’t need

The impending payment you need to make may be necessary to your life, or something that you can’t possible wriggle your way out of. However, if you sit back and take a good look at your finances, you may find that you notice certain things that maybe aren’t quite as necessary to your life. For example, could you still be paying a subscription fee for a magazine you don’t even read anymore? Or, perhaps you are wasting lots of money each month by overusing the heating in your home – don’t simply turn it on every morning just due to a force of habit! Cancel everything that isn’t integral to your everyday life, and isn’t something your family relies on too much. These little savings might not seem like a lot initially, but they can certainly go a long way.

See what you might be owed

You might not realize it, but you could have money hidden away in places you weren’t aware of. Read this Fairfield Funding structured settlement review for more information on structured settlements. You may be receiving your settlement in monthly payments at present, but if you urgently need money for something specific, you can apply to have the cash presented to you in a lump sum instead. Equally, if you have been particularly frugal with your household bills lately, you could be in credit with your energy companies, in which case they will owe you money.

Sell, sell, sell

Most of us have a whole hoard of clothes and items taking up space in our homes. Back in the day, we relied on garage sales and car boots to get rid of the things we no longer needed. But thanks to the internet, it has now never been easier to quickly sell your unwanted possessions online for a decent price. Teach yourself the basics of websites like eBay, Gumtree, and Shpock. Providing you can take a few good pictures of your items, and you have the time to post them quickly to your buyers, you can make a lot of easy money just by using websites like these.